
Suggestions on starting a child programming.

What languages and tools do you consider a youngster starting out in programming should use in the modern era? Lots of us started with proprietary Basics and they didn't do all of us long term harm :) but given the experiences you have had since then and your knowledge of the domain now are there better options? There are related queri...

"Programming" for a 9 year old

I am looking for recommendations on a web site/software for providing an introduction to programming concepts for my 9 year old. I remember using Logo/turtle graphics at a similar age and would love a simple self-contained web site that gave a number of step-by-step tutorials. There is some neat current generation Logo software out t...

PHP 4 and 5, Ctrl-C, system(), and child processes.

I have a PHP script that uses the system() call to execute other (potentially long-running) programs (for interest: NCBI BLAST, phrap, primer3 and other programs for doing DNA sequence analysis and assembly). I'm running under Windows XP, using the CLI version of PHP from a command prompt, or as a service. (In either case I communicate ...

Windows Forms, getting a property from parent form

I'm having a bit of a problem. I have a datatable in the parent form. I open a dialogbox form that gets the datatable property and creates a checkboxlist. This will be used to export those columns. But when I run the application the parentform property is null. I've tried setting it in the parent and dialogbox form (I assumed this would ...

Add another CSS Style to Child Elements which are also Parents

So my list looks something like this: <div="list"> <ul> <li class="page item">Parent 1 <ul> <li class="page item">Child of Parent 1 and Parent of Grandchild <ul> <li class="page item">Grandchild</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> This is through Wordpress...

What's a good Computer for a Child (5-years old)?

I still fondly remember getting my first computer a C-64 when I was about 5, and of course I'm sure many of you have similar memories. But the catch was the C-64 was a single piece of hardware that even if dropped or kicked wouldn't break, the keyboard was rugged and overall it was a tough machine, simply great for kids. Of course now-a...

What should I tell kids about how great it is to be a programmer?

I am putting a presentation together. I thought about illustrating with websites like Facebook, and MySpace. Does anyone have children around that age that could tell me what they are into? How to hold their attention? Ways to illustrate what we do? Get them interested? Your ideas are greatly appreciated, I really want to be able to c...

$(this) selector and children?

I'd like to use a selector to select the child img of the div I'm clicking on this example: <div id="..."><img src="..."></div> To get the div, I've got this selector: $(this) How do I get the img with a selector? ...

NHibernate child objects update problem

I have an object that called 'category' and the table looks like this. CATEGORY ID int ParentCatalogID int ParentCategoryID int << This is the ID of this table Position int Title nvarchar(128) Description nvarchar(1024) LastUpdated datetime DateCreated datetime IsActi...

How to explain to a high school hacker that indenting and verbose variable names are good things?

He is good programmer (won some competitions) but he absolutely ignores formatting. He consider i, j, k beautiful... I hope he won't find out about existence of goto keyword. ...

Suitable environment for a 7 year old

My 7 year old would like to learn how to program (his idea not mine, and he does things in the outside world so I am not too worried from that point of view. He already went so far as to take a game programming book out of my office to read at bed time.). The other day we sat down and wrote a very simple number guessing game (you pick ...

How to use Xpath in Yahoo! Widgets to traverse a tree?

Hello. I'm creating a Yahoo! Widget and have done this before without any problems (creating a widget). I'm getting a xml document via a weblink and want to get all the nodes intro a tree. I'm doing this: var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", url, false ); request.send(); if ( request.status == 200 ) ...

What is fastest children() or find() in jQuery?

To select a child node in jQuery one can use children() but also find(). For example: $(this).children('.foo'); gives the same result as: $(this).find('.foo'); Now, which option is fastest or preferred and why? ...

Styling nested elements in WPF

Suppose you have a nested element structure, for example a ContextMenu with MenuItems: <ContextMenu Style="{StaticResource FooMenuStyle}"> <MenuItem Style="{StaticResource FooMenuItemStyle}"/> ... </ContextMenu> You can easily apply styles or templates to the ContextMenu or MenuItem elements. But if the MenuItem style belongs ...

Non-programming application for 2d game creation

I'm looking an application for children to learn about how to create games. I don't want something as complex as Game Maker. I need it to show children an entry point to create games. ...

Jquery - Get xth element

For example, I have a div with an id (lets say "the_div"). This div contains an unordered list, and this list has 5 items in it. How would I add a class to the third list item, without any of the list items having a class attached to them? Edit: Even better, how would I change the list item text to equal what number element it was? Th...

A Programming Presentation for eight year olds

I have been given the opportunity to give a small presentation to a group of young children about what I do as a software developer. I have a few ideas kicking around for how to make this interactive and entertaining for them while still getting my points across. Ideally I would like to capture that feeling of working with pure ideas, ...

jQuery UI Sortable - disallowing transfer into child elements.

Hi, I'm working with jQuery's UI sortables and have created a system of divs in this format; <div class='mainDiv'> <label>text: <input type='text' name='textbox' /></label> <div class='children'> <div class='mainDiv'>...</div> <div class='mainDiv'>...</div> <div class='mainDiv'> <label>text:...

jquery selection of elements with no visible children

Here's my goal: do something on an element, an <optgrooup>, if all of its children are invisible. My code below outlines the in red if it has any invisible children. But I want to do so only if all the children are invisible. If the element has any children that are visible, then don't highlight it. How can I tweak the jQuery select...

Jquery $(this) Child Selector

I'm using this on a page: jQuery('.class1 a').click( function() { if ($(".class2").is(":hidden")) { $(".class2").slideDown("slow"); } else { $(".class2").slideUp(); } }); With a structure in the page later that goes like this: <div class="class1"> <a href="...">text</a> <div class="class2">text</div> </div> This is wo...