I'm creating a Yahoo! Widget and have done this before without any problems (creating a widget). I'm getting a xml document via a weblink and want to get all the nodes intro a tree. I'm doing this:
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open( "GET", url, false );
if ( request.status == 200 )
doc = request.responseXML;
tree = doc.evaluate("/lfm");
status = tree.item(0).getAttribute("status")
if(status == "ok")
print ("status is ok!");
tracks = doc.evaluate("/lfm/recenttracks[1]/track");
artist = tracks.item(i).firstChild.firstChild.data;
This way you can get the node artist out of the tree. there's a problem though if you want to have the next sibling. You have to call
to get this done. The node next to that adds a 'nextsibling' to it and so on. I do not want to keep on adding these nodes and thought it would be possible to use childNodes[i] like this:
artist = tracks.item(i).childNodes[0].firstChild.data;
nextitem = tracks.item(i).childNodes[1].firstChild.data;
this doesn't work though. it returns "childNodes[0] has no properties" in whatever way I use it. Now I think there's also a way in Xpath to do this in a for-loop:
name = doc.evaluate("string(/lfm/recenttracks[1]/track["+i+"]/name)");
othernode = doc.evaluate("string(/lfm/recenttracks[1]/track["+i+"]/album)");
and then increasing i for the next track. but somehow this returns only one item. it doesn't retrieve more items in a for-loop. i-1 doesn't work either.
Anyone knows how to use a Xpath expression with my i value to choose a node and then get the subnodes per supernode? Per track I want to get artist, name, streamable, mbid, album, url, image(small), image(medium), image(large) and date.
my xml file looks like this:
<lfm status="ok">
<recenttracks user="xaddict">
<track nowplaying="true">
<artist mbid="f5b8ea5f-c269-45dd-9936-1fedf3c56851">The Presets</artist>
<name>Girl (You Chew My Mind Up)</name>
<album mbid="b150d099-b0f3-4feb-9a05-34e693c6dd24">Beams</album>
<image size="small">http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/34s/8696437.jpg</image>
<image size="medium">http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/64s/8696437.jpg</image>
<image size="large">http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/126/8696437.jpg</image>
<date uts="1236440600">7 Mar 2009, 15:43</date>
<track >
<artist mbid="f5b8ea5f-c269-45dd-9936-1fedf3c56851">The Presets</artist>
<name>Get The Fuck Outta Here</name>
<album mbid="0469956f-d895-4120-8ec5-29ad41b9e2fd">Blow Up</album>
<image size="small">http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/34s/20923179.png</image>
<image size="medium">http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/64s/20923179.png</image>
<image size="large">http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/126/20923179.png</image>
<date uts="1236440242">7 Mar 2009, 15:37</date>