
Yahoo Widget appending Image

I'm developing a Yahoo Widget. Using Javascript I'm attempting to append an image to the current viewing window. The image is not displaying. Interestingly enough i added a few alert statements to show my variables and check my work and realized that the image is actually popping up, and then dissapeearing. Does anyone know what I'm ...

no DOM for Yahoo! Widgets web objects?

I have a Yahoo! Widgets Web object ( ) and I'd like to access elements inside of it when it's done loading. I'm already handling everything wonderfully via the WebEvents Y!W provides, but there's one small problem. Web objects don't appear to have any DOM of their loaded page. I can access webObj.html, wh...

How to use Xpath in Yahoo! Widgets to traverse a tree?

Hello. I'm creating a Yahoo! Widget and have done this before without any problems (creating a widget). I'm getting a xml document via a weblink and want to get all the nodes intro a tree. I'm doing this: var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); "GET", url, false ); request.send(); if ( request.status == 200 ) ...

Using JSON in a Yahoo! widget

Haaylp! The Yahoo! Widgets spec says I can parse JSON objects using JSON.parse(). When I actually try this, and here is what I tried... var parsed = JSON.parse('{"key": "value"}'); print (parsed); for (p in parsed) { print ("prop: "+p); } I get: ReferenceError: JSON is not defined What's going on? Is further magic required? ...

How to select the nth item in xpath 1.0?

I have some XML and an XPath query. I'm using Yahoo! widgets, so I'm using XPath 1.0. Here's the gist of my XML... <root> <cat num="SOURCE"> <movie> <swf>speak.swf</swf> <width>250</width> <height>150</height> <colour>cccccc</colour> </movie> <movie> ...

How do I get my widget not to crash if there is no value in a xml node?

I'm getting an xml file and want to get data from it. The source of the xml doesn't really matter but what I;ve got to get a certain field is: tracks = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("track"); variable = tracks.item(i).childNodes.item(4).childNodes.item(0).nodeValue; Now this works like a charm, EXCEPT when there is no value in the node....

What are xpath variable references for in Yahoo! widgets?

In an xpath expression, I understand that I can have variable references of the form $myVar I'm using Yahoo! widgets. What are these for? How would I set the value of myVar in the first place? Are these variables from the JavaScript? ...

Yahoo Resizing Hover Events

Does anyone know if it's possible subscribe to an event (possible a mouseOver) while using Yahoo!'s resizing library? I need to disable some other listeners when a user hovers over the handles of my object, however, I don't see anything in the documentation to do so. Thanks. ...

Running Yahoo! Widgets under Adobe AIR

Hello, Anyone here know if you can run Yahoo! Widgets under Adobe AIR? If so, how does one go about doing this? Thanks for your suggestions ...

yahoo widgets and importing rss/xml feed using javascript

I'm playing about creating an RSS reader widget using Konfabulator/Yahoo. At the moment I'm pulling in the RSS using var xmlDoc = COM.createObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xmlDoc.loadXML(""); I've simplified it here by removing the error handling, but what else could I use to do the same task using konfabulator? And ...

When using building my yahoo widget getElementsByTagName returning elements not nodes

I can see that itemNodes is a DOM nodelist containing the same number of entrys as number of titles. I want to access the information inside the title node. I have tried using itemNodes.childNodes[0].nodeValue I receive the error An error occurred: TypeError: itemNodes.childNodes has no properties placing itemNodes.item(i) inside the ...

Google Desktop Gadgets vs. Yahoo Widgets

I am trying to figure out which widget development platform is superior. I want a cross-browser widget and so I a thought either the Google or Yahoo solution will be best. They both seem to be using the same technologies - JavaScript, HTML, XML, etc. Any thoughts on which is a better platfrom in terms of development, performance and...

Monitoring secure traffic from a Yahoo widget

I'm trying to log all traffic from a Yahoo widget that uses a secure connection. Right now I'm using Fiddler with both "Capture HTTPS CONNECTs" and "Decrypt HTTPS traffic" enabled. Now, when I do this with a normal web page, I can see the SSL auths as well as all the web traffic. With this Yahoo widget though, all I see are the CONN...

How to remove insert image button from Yahoo Rich text editor

Hey Guys, I am using ThickBox 3.1 one one page. Now, there is one problem, i am using one form to open thickbox on the button click event. And i am using yahoo text editor on that form. And in the yahoo rich text editor there is one link of image insert.. but i don't know why its not opening. on click of it. the image insert dialog ...

why is link generated in YUI javascript failing to render in rails?

Using YAHOO.widget.treeview to generate a table with three levels of data: module, submodule, and detail. If there is an image associated with a detail row the javascript generates a link: "<td><a href=\"/screenshot/show/" + + "\">Screenshot</a></td>" that is appended to the html for the row. The url is generated correct...

How do I install a Yahoo! Connected TV Widget on a TV so I can test it?

I am developing a Yahoo! Connected TV Widget (using tools including the simulator provided by Yahoo!) How can I install my widget on a real TV so that I can test it? ...

Yahoo! Connected TV playback events.

I'm trying to subscribe to onTimeIndexChanged mediaplayer event. It works fine, as long as view that I'm subscribing in stays focused. When I press back button, or widgets button, my view gets blurred and it no longer receives events. Is it possible for this subscription to persist through switching views? Are there widget-wide subscrip...