I still fondly remember getting my first computer a C-64 when I was about 5, and of course I'm sure many of you have similar memories. But the catch was the C-64 was a single piece of hardware that even if dropped or kicked wouldn't break, the keyboard was rugged and overall it was a tough machine, simply great for kids.
Of course now-a-days I think a laptop would be the best choice for a child of about 5, and I think that laptop they send to Africa (can't remember its name) seems like the perfect match for what I'm looking for, but they aren't for sale. So I was wondering what other suggestions you all have of a laptop for a 5 year old?
Note: Ok I know this isn't totally programming related, and its kind of off topic if you want to look at it that way. But it is about the education of potential programmers :) So if you go on a ledge it should be ok, yes? Thanks!