



I have a PHP script that uses the system() call to execute other (potentially long-running) programs (for interest: NCBI BLAST, phrap, primer3 and other programs for doing DNA sequence analysis and assembly).

I'm running under Windows XP, using the CLI version of PHP from a command prompt, or as a service. (In either case I communicate with it via a queue of tasks in a database table).

Under PHP4: when I hit Ctrl-C the script is stopped and any child process running at the time is also stopped. Under PHP5: when I hit Ctrl-C the script stops, but the child is left running.

Similarly, when running the script as a service, stopping the service when running it with PHP4 stops the child, with PHP5 the child continues to run.

I have tried writing a minimal test application, and found the same behaviour. The test PHP script just uses system() to execute a C program (that just sleeps for 30 seconds) and then waits for a key to be pressed.

I had a look at the source for PHP 4.4.9 and 5.2.6 but could see no differences in the system() code that looked like they would cause this. I also had a quick look at the startup code for the CLI application and didn't see any differences in signal handling.

Any hints on what might have caused this, or a workaround, would be appreciated.


+1  A: 

This issue occurs in at least PHP 5.1.2.

When a SIGINT is sent via CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK, the handler is called. If this handler sends a SIGTERM to other children, the signals are not received.

SIGINT can be sent via posix_kill() and it work exactly as expected-- This only applies when initiated via a hard break.


The document has sample code for trapping CTRL+C and sending posix_kill to children. It has lots of other code and info on child precesses and signals.


Hi Other Chris,

Unfortunately I'm working under Windows and the pcntl functions don't seem to be available (at least not in the installation package from

If I rebuild PHP with pcntl and posix under windows, will they work?


ob-so-etiquette: This is a followup to another answer, not an answer itself, so it really should be a comment on the answer it refers to.
Charles Duffy

Hi Chris, no, not without a lot of wrangling will you get pcntl and posix working; these are targeted towards Unix platforms, so you would need to recompile PHP with Cygwin. It is possible, but I personally have never got it to work.

Quite frankly (and I am a PHP devotee), I don't think you should be using PHP for command line work. There are so many problems, and you don't get to handle signals or anything like that.

Edward Z. Yang
+1  A: 

Instead of using system(), have a look at proc_open(), proc_close() and proc_terminate().
