
How to get the "real" value of the Visible property?

If you set the Visible property of a Windows Forms control to true, that property still returns false if any of the control's parent windows are hidden. Is there a way to get the true, underlying visibility flag of the control in case the parent window is hidden? ...

What is the best way to determine if a window is actually visible in WPF

I'm trying to toggle the display of a small window based on the click of a notify icon in a system tray app. This is simple enough to implement, however when the small window is displayed and another application takes focus and therefore moves in front of it (z-order) I want the toggle to assume that the small window is now hidden, even ...

Why is my hidden process still visible?

I'm printing a document by creating a System.Diagnostics.Process object and then setting the StartInfo verb to "print", then calling the process Start() method. I want this print process to be hidden, so I'm setting CreateNoWindow = true and WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden. But the application (Word or Acrobat) still appears dur...

UpdatePanel.Visible = true has no effect

Hi all There is a wide task. There is an update panel upDetails, which displays details table (initialy visible = false) when user selects any item from master table, we should set upDetails.Visible = true; But it soesn't work whatever place/event I had placed it - neither BL methods, neither pre-render. It still be invisible But when...

How can I tell if a Delphi control is currently visible?

I need a way to for a custom control (descended from TCustomControl) to tell if it is currently visible. I'm not talking about the .Visible property; I mean whether or not it's actually being displayed on-screen at the moment. Does anyone know how to do this? ...

C# Winforms How to update toolStrip in function

I'm building a UI for a program, and I can't figure out why my progress bar won't become visible after the convert button is clicked. private void convertButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { toolStripProgressBar.Visible = true; ... toolStripProgressBar.Visible = false; } I ran into a similar problem with tkinter in...

[WPF] Calculating number of visible items in ListBox

I have a class called Book; class Book { public string Name { get; set; } public string Author { get; set; } public int PagesCount { get; set; } public int Category { get; set; } } The ListBox displays a list of Books and the ItemTemplate has been modified so as to visually represent the Book. The text shows the book's Name, autho...

Is there a way to check if a combobox or listboxitem is visible on screen?

If a listbox has many items, is there a way (programatically) to check if an item is visible on screen. For example, the listbox has 100 items, but only first 24 are shown of the screen, is there a way to check if a specific (say list[75]) is currently displayed or one should scroll to see it? ...

jquery selection of elements with no visible children

Here's my goal: do something on an element, an <optgrooup>, if all of its children are invisible. My code below outlines the in red if it has any invisible children. But I want to do so only if all the children are invisible. If the element has any children that are visible, then don't highlight it. How can I tweak the jQuery select...

Always show FooterTemplate, even no data

Is there a short way to make a FooterTemplate (in a GridView) always visible, even when DataSource is empty? ...

make child control visible=true when parent control visiblity=false in c# win forms

I am working with a ToolStripMenuItem in winforms.Setting splitLineItemToolStripMenuItem.Visible = true; does not make it visible as the container ContextMenuStrip visiblity is false; I understand that if container visibility is false,child element cannot be set to true. IS there any workaround to make it visible. ...

visible false in OnPreRender method

I have a div that sometimes it is visible, sometimes not. So, I put the code on OnPreRender method, div.Visible = false. What happens is: When the property "EnableViewState" is true, the div never be invisible, only when "EnableViewState" is false. How I solve this problem? ...

How to add some custom CSS for the last child only if visible with Jquery?

Hi Guys, I am allowing users to make parts of a list hidden/visible etc. Now here is my list: Basic list, but the very end list item has some custom CSS "border-bottom: none" - just to make it a bit more nicer looking. <ul> <li class="item">Item</li> <li class="widget">widget</li> <li class="item">Item</li> <...

WPF application visiblity afte remote desktop

Hi, i have a WPF application that sits on top of all other windows. 99% of the time it works perfectly however if i dial into my computer from another location using remote desktop and then close the connection and go back to the original computer, my application is not visible. checking the running processes i can see that it is still r...

Make programmatic range selection visible to the user?

How can I make a programmatical page selection visible to the user, as if it was selected by the user? var range = document.createRange(); var startPar = [some node]; var endLi = [some other node]; range.setStart(startPar,13); range.setEnd(endLi,17); Thank you. ...

Winforms button: Does Visible = false imply Enabled = false?

Simple question: I have a WinForms button, and I want to make it both (conditionally) invisible and disabled (to be sure that if someone clicks in the space where the invisible button lives, it won't activate it.) Does button.Visible = false also imply button.Enabled = false, or do I need to set/reset both properties at the appropriate...

c# How to hide a row in a DataGridView with DataSource

I have a datasource (BindingList) with many Users, but there are some users I don't want to display in my DataGridView. Is it possible to hide them. I can't find events that works. RowsAdded sometimes hides worng rows. ...

Why is my hidden <tr> not really hidden ?

Hi, I have this simple html markup generated from classic asp: <table> <tr class="trClass"> <td>Hello </td> </tr> <tr class ="trClass"> <td>World!</td> </tr> </table> If i set the tr belonging to Hello to hide() using Jquery it hides. Good! But, when i use this $('.trClass:visible').each(function() { alert('visible'...

How to tell if a .Net control is visible using windbg

I got a crashdump where we're debating whether a control was visible to the end user or not. Looking with !do I can't see any explicit field that holds the true/false value matching up with the Visible property, which doesn't surprise that much as we're probably down in win32 teritory. Does anyone know how to deduce what Visible would ha...

CSS problems: with custom ul,li dropdown navigation in ie, especially with the ie6 overflow:visible bug

The essence of the ie6 bug (dropdown entries must be truncated via overflow hidden to prevent ie from incorrectly expanding instead of acting as overflow:visible) can be seen in it's current (hacky) form in the screenshot below, and at the site Wrong (ie6): Right (FF, IE8, Chrome): The menu entry should show: C...