



I tried to install the following dependencies for PyGTK 2.16.0 (the Python GIMP Tool Kit) on Mac OS 10.6.3:

  • glib 2.25.5
  • gettext-0.18
  • libiconv-1.13.1

When I tried to install glib, I got the following error message:

gconvert.c:55:2: error: #error GNU libiconv not in use but included iconv.h is from libiconv

The libiconv web page talks about a circular dependency between gettext and libiconv---build one, then build the other, then build the first again. I tried to do this, though possibly incorrectly. (Will the following work: make distclean; ./configure; make; sudo make install?)

The author of a posting had the same problem, and he solved it by installing libiconv-1.13.1.

Could anyone explain the error in more detail, and how to correct it?


On a Mac, if you want to install GTK+, PyGTK, or certain other programs, you can download MacPorts.

In a terminal, type port search gtk to search for programs related to GTK+. You will need an internet connection.

Type sudo port install gtk2 to install GTK+2. MacPorts will find and install any dependencies.

Type port installed to see the programs that you have installed using MacPorts.

Winston C. Yang