Well, I do (despite the subsequent vitriol) appreciate your taking time to suspect what my problem might be.
However I clearly stated that the projects are IN the workspace. That is, every time I start Eclipse, I have to verify that the workspace to be opened is in fact the workspace that contains the files and the 'projects'.
So following that line of thinking, since I posted this question. I have reinstalled the Aptana version of Eclipse that was the version that I used to create the project.
So I am starting to believe that my problem is that I have not truly accepted that Eclipse is a chameleon. and it recognizes only the projects it created when it was creamy-striped and ignores those it created when it was dark-red solid colored.
Actually I'm thinking maybe Eclipse is a fat toad that puts on the chameleon suit based on the 'partner organization' who has to configure it for their type of project.
So my problem turns out to be that I used my Spring version of Eclipse and downloaded the Aptana 'components' (or whatever Eclipsy thing they are) and that was not sufficient to make the Spring version of Eclipse recognize a Ruby project as a 'project' (get it? a p-r-o-j-e-c-t?). That is, the project was in the workspace but Eclipse (the toad) does not recognize the projects created by Eclipse the turnip red Chameleon or the projects created by Eclipse the creamy-striped Chameleon. That is Eclipse (the toad) doesn't understand any kind of project, but you have to have a separate and distinct 280 MB installation folder for each installation of Eclipse that groks the type of 'project' you want to work on. In fact, Aptana has to write its own version of a Project Explorer in order to even display a project. And probably every other 'tool vendor' does also.
So I have to admit that this does prove that non-microsoft developers are much, much smarter since they can instinctively make sense of this stuff.
Therefore I would truly appreciate a confirmation of this revised version of my question:
Presuming I have an installed instance of Eclipse that has been produced by a tool manufacturer to work on a particular kind of project, such as Aptana or Spring or Droid or IPHone or Java 'Beans' (no wonder they went lights-out at Sun-- 'beans' drying in the sun, so to speak), or, or ... Then when I finally locate the link to the customized version of the Project Explorer that must be produced by the Tool vendor, and I open it, why doesn't the 'Open Project' menu item on the Project menu become enabled?
In fact, under just which conditions does the 'open project' menu item actually become enabled?
So tell me that, ok, ok??? And then I will be happy!!!