I have looked and I could not find this question before, and it surprises me.
I am reasonably proficient in Python, and I used Dreamhost for a number of years. Now I would like to learn Django. They are finally supporting it using Passenger. Which I do not know what is.
Following the instructions on Dreamhost I installed Django. Then I started following the tutorial 01. This went well, except that I could not start the server (this in the tutorial) since the code was live on dreamhost. At the time this did not seem to make any difference. Then when I went on the second part of the tutorial I had to access the admin site. And it worked well going to myurl/admin/ , as it should. But here the problems started. According to the tutorial (here) I have to add a file in the poll application and then restart the server. But I never started the server in the first place, my code is running live on the web... but when I add a file the website the admin acts as if it does not see it.
Probably dreamhost has started its own server, and I don't know how to restart it. But I assume this is going to be a common problem when you run django on dreamhost. Every time you add a file you will have to tell the server to consider it.
So what should I do to let the server know about it?
Thanks, Pietro