



When $.post succeeds, there is a success handler for it. What happens if it fails? Is there a similar handler that we can use for this case, so that we can inform the user that something is not happening right?

+1  A: 

Why use jQuery for straight AJAX? Use the standard directly and bind to readystatechange - then check for status and work from there.

Delan Azabani
+3  A: 

There is not, according to the documentation, a specific error handler for $.post method.

What you have to do, if you want to have both the success and fail handlers, is to use the low-level $.ajax method. It's documentation can be found here:

  type: "POST",
  url: "some.php",
  success: function(html){
    /* Do success stuff here */
  error: function(){
    /* do error stuff here */
Alastair Pitts
Thanks guys!!!!!! This is really useful!!!

You can catch it using .ajaxError(), but this applies to all ajax requests in your application. You also need to make sure you send back a HTTP error status back to the front end to be captured by jQuery.
