I want to write a custom DVD player using python that plays for 30 seconds, then pauses and asks a question. Once the question is anwered, it tells the user if they are right or wrong and gives them a Resume button to resume DVD playback. How do I do this. I have never written a DVD player before, but I am open to learning!
Gstreamer bindings for Python won't do Mr. Brown much good on his windows box (which he said is his platform in another post).
2010-05-17 05:58:39
Any ideas? This is for an educatioal software DVD I am working on. It will be enhanced for the computer. This is where the custom player comes in.
Zachary Brown
2010-05-17 06:06:07
I don't know what media player libraries are available for Windows, but I do know that the spin-up and seek time for DVDs approaches 30 seconds so if you are only showing 30s clips, your user may spend half their time waiting which is probably frustrating.
2010-05-17 06:58:01
OK, so this is probably not such a great idea?
Zachary Brown
2010-05-18 01:38:26