



Has anyone expirience this error before: this happens when I hit CTRL + space , here is the error :

alt text

For those who has tinyurl blocked: This compilation unit is not on the build path of the java project.

This is a maven project, mvn eclipse:eclipse doesn't help I mean it compiles and runs just fine just something is wrong and I can't figure out what. I checkouted this project from SVN, it wasn't developed on my PC.


Not only it does not work but also when I try to open generated classes from target dir I get message the class file is not on the classpath


Look at this post:

@MUG4N same thing m8 but tnx
Gandalf StormCrow
I found this one on a different page:"This was an error i got with intellisense/autocompletion in Eclipse. The project needs to be a “Java Project” and not a “Project”, this can be done by doing a new checkout of the code from the “SVN Repositories” view and selecting the project “Wizard” when prompted. I could not find any other way from within Eclipse to create a Java Project and also retrieve the code from SVN/CVS. I suppose you could create a new project and then copy over the appropriate files, but I don’t know if eclipse-svn is smart enough to handle this."
@MUG4N I was afraid of that, I checked out this with ant with several other projects(like 15 modules and submodules), is there anything I can do now?
Gandalf StormCrow
I had the same problem and I only know the way to make a new checkout. I am sorry but tell me if you know a better way.