



Is there a way to test the html from the response of:

response = self.client.get('/user/login/')

I want a detailed check like input ids, and other attributes. Also, how about sessions that has been set? is it possible to check their values in the test?

+3  A: 

Not sure, but take a look at

response.context is maybe a way to check your values.

I guess this is my best option. thanks.
The `context` won't necessarily contain the session unless the application puts the session into the context. Often, a better choice is to use assertContains to check the content of the page and check the tags.
That's fine, I decided not to test the session for now since what I was really after is what has been set in session once user is logged-in. Maybe later on when I have something important on the session to test.
@Marconi: You **never** have something in the session to test. You only have things set in the session that are **visible behavior changes**. If there's no change in the application's behavior, the session value doesn't matter and there's nothing to test.
+1  A: 

Simon Willison's soup-select is a nice way to test the content of an HTML response based on jQuery-like CSS selectors. So, for example, to check that your page has an input with ID my_input_id:

from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup as Soup
from soupselect import select
response = self.client.get('/user/login/')
soup = Soup(response.content)
self.assertEquals(len(select(soup, 'input#my_input_id')), 1)
Daniel Roseman
Often the assertContains already available in Django TestCases does this job more simply than introducing an external HTML parser.
cool but I don't wanna use external stuff for now.
+2  A: 


Also, how about sessions that has been set? is it possible to check their values in the test?

TDD is about externally visible behavior. To see if the user has a session, you would provide a link that only works when the user is logged in and has a session.

The usual drill is something like the following.

class When_NoLogin( TestCase ):
    def test_should_not_get_some_resource( self ):
        response= self.client.get( "/path/that/requires/login" )
        self.assertEquals( 301, response.status_code )

That is, when not logged in, some (or all) URI's redirect to the login page.

class When_Login( TestCase ):
    def setUp( self ):
        self.client.login( username='this', password='that' )
    def test_should_get_some_resource( self ):
        response= self.client.get( "/path/that/requires/login" )
        self.assertContains( response, '<input attr="this"', status_code=200 )
        self.assertContains( response, '<tr class="that"', count=5 )

That is, when logged in, some (or all) URI's work as expected.

Further, the URI response contains the tags you require.

You don't test Django to see if it creates a session. Django already has unit tests for this. You test your application's externally visible behavior -- does it behave like there's a session? Are pages properly visible? Are they properly customized with session-specific information?

Thanks. I already know about those. I guess I just need to wrap my head around it since I've seen it in rails that you can test sessions and html tags from response/
@Marconi: HTML Tags can be examined with assertContains. The session object itself is not externally visible and therefore cannot be part of a proper test. If Ruby unit testing exposes the session, something's really wrong with their approach. Testing a session object isn't very common for unit testing -- I don't know why they would expose this object to the test framework.