




I'm attempting to write a function to create a dictionary object such that the order of a given column in a given array will link to a key value in another dictionary that provides a locational value within another array (but that last part is outside of the scope)

Per the below code, I'm unclear as to why I would be receiving the error "The key is already associated with an element of this collection"

I have stepped through the code numerous times and the first pair added is where X and Y both = 0 ... so dict.Add X,Y adds Key = 0, KeyValue = 0

The next match is on X and Y both = 1 .. so dict.Add X,Y should add Key = 1, KeyValue = 1, but instead I am getting that error. I'm stumped!

(Although I'm expecting pairs like 0,0 : 1,1, : 2,2 etc... It's not certain so I need this code to be certain the code is dynamic and user friendly)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Function CreateDictionary(Array1, _
                     Array1_Index, _
                     Array1_no_of_dimensions, _
                     Array2, _
                     Array2_Index, _

Dim dict
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
''creates an dictionary for arrays with a one-to-one relationship
''send index = 0 for single dimensional arrays
X = 0
Y = 0

If Array1_no_of_dimensions = 1 And Array2_no_of_dimensions = 1 Then
    While X <= UBound(Array1)
        While Y <= UBound(Array2)
            If Array1(X) = Array2(Y) Then
                Debug.Print dict.Item(1)
                '' When adding x = 1, y = 1 - this errors indicating "The key is already associated with an element of this collection"
                dict.Add X, Y
                Y = UBound(Array2)
            End If
            Y = Y + 1
        Y = 0
        X = X + 1
        Debug.Print dict.Item(0)
ElseIf Array1_no_of_dimensions = 1 And Array2_no_of_dimensions > 0 Then
    While X <= UBound(Array1)
        While Y <= UBound(Array2)
            If Array1(X) = Array2(Array2_Index, Y) Then
                dict.Add X, Y
                Y = UBound(Array2)
            End If
            Y = Y + 1
        Y = 0
        X = X + 1
ElseIf Array1_no_of_dimensions > 0 And Array2_no_of_dimensions = 0 Then
    While X <= UBound(Array1)
        While Y <= UBound(Array2)
            If Array1(Array1_Index, X) = Array1(Y) Then
                dict.Add X, Y
                Y = UBound(Array2)
            End If
            Y = Y + 1
        Y = 0
        X = X + 1
End If

CreateDictionary = dict

End Function

It appears using debug.print was initializing key values. Code still has an issue returning the dictionary object. Trying to find out why that is...will update with the new code if I get it working


Okay it appears I forgot a set command when calling the function:

e.g. dict1 = CreateDictionary(etc...)

should be : set dict1 = CreateDictionary(etc...)

Then in the code I also forgot to use SET when assigning the function equal to the dictionary object

Here is the updated code:

Function CreateDictionary(Array1, _
                     Array1_Index, _
                     Array1_no_of_dimensions, _
                     Array2, _
                     Array2_Index, _

Dim dict
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
''creates an dictionary for arrays with a one-to-one relationship
''send index = 0 for single dimensional arrays
X = 0
Y = 0

If Array1_no_of_dimensions = 1 And Array2_no_of_dimensions = 1 Then
    While X <= UBound(Array1)
        While Y <= UBound(Array2)
            If Array1(X) = Array2(Y) Then
                dict.Add X, Y
                Y = UBound(Array2)
            End If
            Y = Y + 1
        Y = 0
        X = X + 1
ElseIf Array1_no_of_dimensions = 1 And Array2_no_of_dimensions > 0 Then
    While X <= UBound(Array1)
        While Y <= UBound(Array2)
            If Array1(X) = Array2(Array2_Index, Y) Then
                dict.Add X, Y
                Y = UBound(Array2)
            End If
            Y = Y + 1
        Y = 0
        X = X + 1
ElseIf Array1_no_of_dimensions > 0 And Array2_no_of_dimensions = 0 Then
    While X <= UBound(Array1)
        While Y <= UBound(Array2)
            If Array1(Array1_Index, X) = Array1(Y) Then
                dict.Add X, Y
                Y = UBound(Array2)
            End If
            Y = Y + 1
        Y = 0
        X = X + 1
End If

Set CreateDictionary = dict

End Function