So I have a test case that I want to make into a thread. I cannot extend Thread nor can I implement runnable since TestCase already has a method void run(). The compilation error I am getting is Error(62,17): method run() in class com.util.SeleneseTestCase cannot override method run() in class junit.framework.TestCase with different return type, was class junit.framework.TestResult
What I am trying to do is to scale a Selenium testcase up to perform stress testing. I am not able to use selenium grid/ cloud at this time (installation issues/install time/resource issues). So this really is more of a Java language issue for me.
FYI: SeleniumTestCase is what I want to make multi threaded to scale it up for stress testing. SelniumTestCase extends TestCase (from junit). I am extending SeleniumTestCase and trying to make it implement Runnable.