I think you're saying: you need to avoid duplicate rows in this table.
There are many ways of handling this. One of the simplest:
INSERT INTO theTable (image_id, tag_id) VALUES (39, 8)
(SELECT * FROM theTable
WHERE image_id = 39 AND tag_id = 8)
As @Henrik Opel pointed out, you can use a check constraint on the combined columns, but then you have to have a try/catch block somewhere else, which adds irrelevant complexity.
Edit to explain that comment...
I'm assuming this is a table mapping a many-to-many relationship between Movies and Tags. I realize you're probably using php, but I hope the C# pseudocode below is clear enough anyway.
If I have a Movie
class, the most natural way to add a tag is an AddTag()
class Movie
public void AddTag(string tagname)
Tag mytag = new Tag(tagname); // creates new tag if needed
JoinMovieToTag(this.id, mytag.id);
private void JoinMovieToTag(movie_id, tag_id)
/* database code to insert record into MovieTags goes here */
/* db connection happens here */
SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO theTable... /* etc */");
/* if you have a check constraint on Movie/Tag, this will
throw an exception if the row already exists */
There's no practical way to check for duplicates earlier in the process, because another user might Tag the Movie at any moment, so there's no way around this.
Note: If trying to insert a dupe record means there's a bug, then throwing an error is appropriate, but if not, you don't want extra complexity in your error handler.