What you have:
will match "any character, and as many as possible.
what you mean is
which translates to "any character, thats not a ">", and there must be at least one
or altertaively,
which means
"any character, but only enough to make this rule work"
Parsing HTML with regexps is Bad
use any of the existing html parsers, DOM librarys, anything, Just NOT NAïVE REGEX
For example:
<foo attr=">">
Will get grabbed wrongly by regex as
'<foo attr=" ' with following text of '">'
Which will lead you to this regex:
`<[a-zA-Z]+( [a-zA-Z]+=['"][^"']['"])*)> etc etc
at which point you'll discover this lovely gem:
<foo attr="'>\'\"">
and your head will explode.
( the syntax highlighter verifies my point, and incorrectly matches thinking i've ended the tag. )