



I have a UIImageView with an image in it. I have rotated the image prior to display by setting the transform property of the UIImageView to CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(angle) where angle is the angle in radians.

I want to be able to create another UIImage that corresponds to the rotated version that I can see in my view.

I am almost there, by rotating the image context I get a rotated image:

- (UIImage *) rotatedImageFromImageView: (UIImageView *) imageView
    UIImage *rotatedImage;

    // Get image width, height of the bounding rectangle
    CGRect boundingRect = [self getBoundingRectAfterRotation: imageView.bounds byAngle:angle];

    // Create a graphics context the size of the bounding rectangle
    CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();

    // Rotate and translate the context
    CGAffineTransform ourTransform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
    ourTransform = CGAffineTransformConcat(ourTransform, CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(angle));

    CGContextConcatCTM(context, ourTransform);

    // Draw the image into the context
    CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(0, 0, imageView.image.size.width, imageView.image.size.height), imageView.image.CGImage);

    // Get an image from the context
    rotatedImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage: CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context)];

    // Clean up
    return rotatedImage;

However the image is not rotated about its centre. I have tried all kinds of transforms concatenated with my rotate to get it to rotate around the centre but to no avail. Am I missing a trick? Is this even possible since I am rotating the context not the image?

Getting desperate to make this work now, so any help would be appreciated.



this should do it

Hi Zapping, will try this, but I need to be able to rotate by any angle not just 90 degrees.
Magic Bullet Dave
Sorry, no dice... only works with 90 degree increments. Have worked out an answer and posted this if you need to do something similar. HTH Dave.
Magic Bullet Dave

OK - at last I seem to have done it. Any comments on the correctness would be useful... needed a translate, a rotate, a scale and an offset from the drawing rect position to make it work. Code is here:

CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
transform = CGAffineTransformTranslate(transform, boundingRect.size.width/2, boundingRect.size.height/2);
transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(transform, angle);
transform = CGAffineTransformScale(transform, 1.0, -1.0);

CGContextConcatCTM(context, transform);

// Draw the image into the context
CGContextDrawImage(context, CGRectMake(-imageView.image.size.width/2, -imageView.image.size.height/2, imageView.image.size.width, imageView.image.size.height), imageView.image.CGImage);

// Get an image from the context
rotatedImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage: CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context)];
Magic Bullet Dave