




I'm trying to use sqlite3 with lua (am already using c++, but I'm a n00b with lua- I read this) but I'm getting the following when trying to build the library or whatever:

process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, pkg-config --version, ...) failed.
makefile:53: *** windows32.  Stop.

I'm not at all surprised at a makefile failing but I can't do them (is it spaces or tabs? where is it they have to go?), I would have thought there was a binary for windows?

Any simple answers appreciated. I haven't got the time to learn make or install cygwin or whatever.

+1  A: 

You might consider using LuaSQL as your wrapper instead, since it is already included in the Lua for Windows package and so it is likely already on your system. It includes support for SQLite3 among other databases.

It does look like you are trying to build the latest release of lsqlite3, but that this release was not packaged to be easily built on or for Windows. I didn't attempt to track down a binary since LuaForge only has a source package. It looks like building it successfully will require manually editing the Makefile, and then running the Makefile under either MSYS or Cygwin so that the *nix utilities it assumes exist are available to it.

Right, I made the Makefile to work with Mingw/MSYS. You can also build using the lsqlite3 rockspec's "builtin" target if luarocks is installed in such a way that it can build binaries.
Doug Currie
Hi, sorry for the delay but recreational programming has had to take a back seat. I'lll try Lua for windows when I get the chance. Thanks for the tip.
mr calendar
Example luasql code works if you substitute sqlite3 for postgres in the example code of lua for windows. Get it at http://code.google.com/p/luaforwindows/downloads/list
mr calendar