I'm trying to substitute something in a string in python and am having some trouble. Here's what I'd like to do.
For a given comment in my posting:
"here are some great sites that i will do cool things with! http://stackoverflow.com/it's a pig & http://google.com"
I'd like to use python to make the strings like this:
"here are some great sites that i will do cool things with! <a href="http://stackoverflow.com">http%3A//stackoverflow.com</a> & <a href="http://google.com">http%3A//google.com</a>
Here's what I have so far...
import re
import urllib
def getExpandedURL(url)
encoded_url = urllib.quote(url)
return "<a href=\"<a href="+url+"\">"+encoded_url+"</a>"
text = '<text from above>'
url_pattern = re.compile('(http.+?[^ ]+', re.I | re.S | re.M)
url_iterator = url_pattern.finditer(text)
for matched_url in url_iterator:
But this is where i'm stuck. I've previously seen things on here like this: Regular Expressions but for Writing in the Match but surely there's got to be a better way than iterating through each match and doing a position replace on them. The difficulty here is that it's not a straight replace, but I need to do something specific with each match before replacing it.