I'd like to be able to map a domain model to a view model by newing up a view model and passing in the contributing domain model as a parameter (like the code below). My motivation is to keep from re-using mapping code AND to provide a simple way to map (not using automapper yet). A friend says the view model should not know anything about the "payment" domain model that's being passed into the optional constructor. What do you think?
public class LineItemsViewModel
public LineItemsViewModel()
public LineItemsViewModel(IPayment payment)
LineItemColumnHeaders = payment.MerchantContext.Profile.UiPreferences.LineItemColumnHeaders;
LineItems = LineItemDomainToViewModelMapper.MapToViewModel(payment.LineItems);
ConvenienceFeeAmount = payment.ConvenienceFee.Fee;
SubTotal = payment.PaymentAmount;
Total = payment.PaymentAmount + payment.ConvenienceFee.Fee;
public IEnumerable<Dictionary<int, string>> LineItems { get; set; }
public Dictionary<int, string> LineItemColumnHeaders { get; set; }
public decimal SubTotal { get; set; }
public decimal ConvenienceFeeAmount { get; set; }
public decimal Total { get; set; }