



PowerShell's type extension facility is neat, but I haven't yet figured out the way -- if one exists -- to extend an indexer. I've tried to add a ScriptProperty for the indexer property (Chars in the case of System.String) and a ScriptMethod for the getter (get_Chars), but neither approach seems fruitful. Is it at all possible, or am I wasting my time? :)

[Edit] Apparently the proper member type is ParameterizedProperty, but when I try that, I get:

Add-Member : Cannot add a member with type "ParameterizedProperty". Specify a different 
type for the MemberTypes parameter.

At line:1 char:11
+ Add-Member <<<<  -MemberType ParameterizedProperty -Name Item -InputObject $string { "x" }
+ CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Add-Member], InvalidOperationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CannotAddMemberType,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.AddMemberCommand

I'm going to conclude that the error message I'm getting is the final word on the matter. Also, on further reflection it has become obvious that the sort of extending I was hoping for is not supported by this mechanism anyway. :-)
