
Suggestions for Adding Plugin Capability?

Is there a general procedure for programming extensibility capability into your code? I am wondering what the general procedure is for adding extension-type capability to a system you are writing so that functionality can be extended through some kind of plugin API rather than having to modify the core code of a system. Do such things ...

How to extend project properties page?

Is it possible to add a custom tab to a project properties page in the Visual Studio 2008? What I want to do is to be able to add a custom tab to properties page for the projects created from default project templates (WPF Application, WPF custom controls library, etc). ...

How do I run (unit) tests in different folders/projects separately in Visual Studio?

I need some advice as to how I easily can separate test runs for unit tests and integration test in Visual Studio. Often, or always, I structure the solution as presented in the above picture: separate projects for unit tests and integration tests. The unit tests is run very frequently while the integration tests naturally is run when ...

Tool in Visual Studio 2008 for helping with Localization

Hi, Does anyone have any recommendations of tools that can be of assistance with moving literal values into resource files for localization? I've used a resharper plugin called RGreatX but was wondering if there is anything else out there. It's one heck of a long manual process for moving the strings across and think there must be a b...

Source Control in Visual Studio Isolated Shell

Hi, I am developing an Isolated Shell that caters to "designers/special content creators" performing specific tasks, using the Shell. As they operate on files, they need to be able to use TFS for source control. This is mainly due to the fact that Developers will also operate on the same files from TFS but using Visual studio 2008. Aft...

Visual Studio Extensibility: Adding existing folders to a project

I'm trying to use Visual Studio 2008's extensibility to write an addin that will create a project folder with various messages in it after parsing an interface. I'm having trouble at the step of creating/adding the folder, however. I've tried using ProjectItem folder = item.ProjectItem.Collection.AddFolder(newDirectoryName, string.Emp...

What is the best pattern/solution to implement 'workflow (a process) for product development'?

Present: The product development is done in Visual Studio at the moment using .Net technologies, so it's important to stay in the same set of tools. Roles apart from developers are using spreadsheets, docs and diagramming tools, photoshop to do their work. Future: We want to build a workflow (a sequential process with roles, queues fo...

Best (free) way to store data? How about updates to the file system?

Hi, I have an idea for how to solve this problem, but I wanted to know if there's something easier and more extensible to my problem. The program I'm working on has two basic forms of data: images, and the information associated with those images. The information associated with the images has been previously stored in a JET database ...

Easy to extend IDE for C

Hi, I want an simple IDE/editor for C in Linux to which I can add features easily. For example: I want to add a right click menu item and a related action for the editor. It should be easy to extent and add any desirable functionality. I tried eclipse CDT but its to much of learning(I mean knowing the eclipse plug-in architecture and th...

Where do I plug in into WCF to be notified when a message arrives?

I'm writing a sample console service host and I want to plug into WCF stack to be able to print a message to console when new message arrives, even if it won't get processed by the service at the moment (because service is working on previous calls). This is based on my assumption that messages arriving get queued by the WCF, is that cor...

Open Source Project & Language Selection

I'm getting ready to start an open-source project that will target .NET/Mono. For those who have started their own open source venture... Do you let the fact that a project is going to be open-source weigh on the decision of what language to use? For example. Most .NET open-source projects are written in C#. However, if you were more...

What add-in/workbench framework is the best .NET alternative to Eclipse RCP?

I'm looking for a plugin-based application framework that is comparable to the Eclipse Plugin Framework, which to my simple mind consists of: a core plugin management framework (Equinox / OSGI), which provides the ability to declare extension endpoints and then discover and load plugins that service those endpoints. (this is different...

How would you approach, in .NET, allowing the tenants of a multi-tenant SaaS app to arbitrarily add properties to the entities of the model?

So, we're building a multi-tenant system to run as a service. We're starting from the ground up. We're following DDD; the domain has (at the moment) ~20 entities in it, and later there will be more. It is to be hosted by us, geographically redundant (n+1 of everything except SQL queries ;-) ), and of flexible design (well, that last ...

How to build an iterative user-defined action in Visual Build Professional?

In VBP its possible to define user defined actions by creating a custom COM component or a custom script. I need to create an user defined action which is iterative, which means it has to call child steps in an iterative manner like the "process files" built in action does. I can't figure out how to do this and Google isn't helpful eit...

Best practices for making an application customizable?

I'm interested in reading about the various ways other developers and architects deal with the customization of certain areas of their applications for certain sites. Call outs to customer implemented pre and post processing, events doing the same, allowing business logic methods to be overridden, using strategies with pluggable modules...

Visual Studio Remote Debugging Extensibility

I'm trying to attach to a remote machine with code similar to the following: Debugger2 db (Debugger2)dte.Debugger; Transport trans = db.Transports.Item("Default"); Process2 proc2 = (Process2)db.GetProcesses(trans, "MACHINENAME").Item("SERVICENAME"); proc2.Attach2(); I've gotten it to work by logging on through remote desktop and manu...

Can ASP.NET 3.5 Web Application Projects be Extended or Patched "in Flight"?

In building an ASP.NET 3.5 WAP, I'm always frustrated by the feeling that no matter how I "isolate" or "encapsulate" bits of logic or UI I'm still going to bring down the whole site any time I need to update a single line of code. I may be misunderstanding how ASP.NET handles changes in the "bin" directory, but given the number of "why i...

How can I inform the implementor of my Interface that the "path" parameter represents a folder?

I am about to define an interface in my application that plug-in writers can implement to provide user-defined "export" capabilities. It'll look something like this: public interface IFooExporter { void ExportFoo(Foo foo, string path); } However, I need to let the plug-in writers know (explicitly, not just in documentation) that "...

Designing extensible software (plugin architecture)

I need some resources that talk about how to design your software to be extensible, i.e. so that other people can write add-ons/plug-ins that adds functionality to it. What do you recommend? Any books out there that discuss the subject? I would prefer something that's short and to the point; a bit of theory and a bunch of concrete examp...

VS2010 Extensibility - how different is it?

A question to those of you who already looked at VS2010. How big are the changes that add-in developers will have to make in order to get their add-ins working under VS2010? ...