
How to design an extensible CMS for Google App Engine?

I am a fan of the extensibility of the CMSes. You can upload some code (usually PHP), authorize it from the CMS admin panel and it's running. I wonder if it is possible in Google App Engine. I haven't checked the extensibility of existing CMSes for Google App Engine, but if there is any of them that supports plugins I would like to know...

Multiple messageSources in Spring configuration files

Hi, our web application uses Spring 2.5. It consists of several modules, each of which can bring additional Spring context files, which are loaded automatically (into one application context). We want to let each module provide additional resource bundles (for I18N support). Spring supports internationalization by registering a bean wi...

Linq to SQL Extensibility Method Definitions

If I have a Linq table of say User and I then do something like this; public partial class DataAccessDataContext { partial void UpdateUser(User instance) { //do something here } } What ends up happening is that the record is never updated in the database. As soon as I get rid of the UpdateUser method the database ...

LINQ to SQL Table Extensibility Methods

If I have a LINQ to SQL table that has a field called say Alias. There is then a method stub called OnAliasChanging(string value); What I want to do is to grab the value, check the database whether the value already exists and then set the value to the already entered value. So I may be changing my alias from "griegs" to "slappy" and ...

Experience with fluent interfaces? I need your opinion!

Sorry for this long question, it is flagged wiki since I'm asking for something that might not have a very concrete answer. If it is closed, so be it. My main question is this: How would you write a fluent interface that isn't fully defined in the base classes, so that programs that uses the fluent interfaces can tack on new words i...

how can i register the events when the visual studio document actived?

i have a toolwindowpane, i will display some property when user click my custom document editor (which i designed for some document such as ".uml" files) but how do i know user switch document back and force ,cause i want to display that actived document when switched... anyone knows ? ...

.NET Plug In ... where to go

Hi all, I'm writing a Windows Application that connects to a webshop through it's API and reads/writes values. The Webshop can have multiple Payment gateways and I was thinking about writing a plugin to each one and create a user interface that will be available to select each one and load the correct assembly... my idea is to have mu...

Extend an existing attribute getter in rails model

Hello all, i have a problem using acts_as_textiled and has_foreign_language plugins together. TextElement my model in my app class TextElement < ActiveRecord::Base has_foreign_language :value acts_as_textiled :value HasForeignLanguage def has_foreign_language(*args) args.each do |field| # Define the Getter ...

WCF - How to create a custom header sent from a Compact Framework Client

I want to add a custom header for WCF service communications (add it in for the client and read it out for the service). There are many examples of this on the internet, but they use classes and interfaces in System.ServiceModel that do not exist in the Compact Framework (IEndpointBehavior, IClientMessageInspector, etc). This link has ...

FTP7.5 - C# IFtpLogProvider incorrect LocalIP/RemoteIP

Hey SO, I am running into the following issue, which applies to Server 2008 R2 only. Microsoft FTP 7.5 has an extensibility interface, IFtpLogProvider, that I am trying to implement to do some custom logging when people connect. As has been reported here and here, this is a problem in the IFtpLogProvider.Log() method in versions of FTP...

What are the steps to get plugin or extension functionality in a C# application?

I've done plugin architectures in Win32 & C/C++ for years, with extension points dynamically loaded from DLLs with LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress, etc. Now the time has come to C#. What are the corresponding steps there - dynamically load an assembly? Or is it a completely different schema? ...

Visual Studio Package - How can I get hold of the information in the locals window?

I have a VSPackage that I would like to get information similar to that shown in the locals window when in debug mode (the values of variables for the current context). I have been experimenting with the DTE.Debugger.CurrentStackFrame instance which looked interesting because it exposed Argument and Local collections of expressions. How...

Writing a Visual Studio extension for a custom designer.

So, I've got something I want to try out. The idea is to have a visual designer that works as a Visual Studio Extension, I want to be able to drag out event handlers and wire up behaviors, anyone who's ever played with the warcraft III script editor will have a pretty good idea what I'm wanting to do. Is this kind of thing readily hand...

Design question for highly extensible project - Bearing in mind best practises.

Hi there. Development environment is C# 3.5 with a SQL Server 2008 database and Entity Framework. Imagine you have a class and a table called Sign which represents a physical electronic sign created by a third party which your software needs to control. You also have a class called SignDriver which takes care of actually communicating ...

Extending visual studio

I want to write an AddIn for visual studio (2010). My goal is to add a menuitem to the context menu of all .cs files in the solution explorer. Or maybe just to context menu of the code window, although I prefer the first thing. I've been browsing around on the Visual Studio Extensibility website but I must admit that I'm having a hard ti...

ASP.NET MVC URL generation extensibility points

What are extensibility points of URL generation in ASP.NET MVC? Routes - virtual path depends on it ??? Addendum 1 Particularily, I need to control not only path part of URL but the host also. And I'd like to embed my generation logics into MVC Framework so that any call to standard Html.ActionLink method would involve my logics. It ...

How to get a IStereotype reference in a T4 Template?

Is there a way to get a reference to Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Profiles.IStereotype interface in a t4 template? I mean IStereotype that stores the definition of the UML stereotype, and not IStereotypeInstance that holds the actual value. I tried something like this, but the ApplicableStereotypes enumereation is empty. void WriteClassAt...

How to implement extensions mechanism in appserver?

I developing the servlet that should work 24/7. And I want to create some extensions mechanism: placing new jar in classpath must be detected by the main servlet and some class should loaded (without appserver restart). Purpose: main servlet recieves events and redirect data to process to loaded classes (extensions). Extensions implemen...

Create named bookmark which persist in .suo file

Hello everyone, I'm working on a plug-in which provides easy navigation to some code lines within VS, and the lines I have firstly identified may be invalidated by user updates to the code, (ex. I firstly have line number 3 of HelloWorld class and user inserts two more line before line 3 making my interested line #5). So I'm planning to...

Custom Output => List of Errors interpretation in VS2008 IDE.

Hello, I have a "database solution" project in VS2008 - it generates SQL for more than one DB vendor from some sort of templates. In order to save time, I also have a tool in VS2008 configured (a Python script), which can compile an individual stored procedure. Now, with the Python script I have the freedom of processing the output and h...