Well, I tried a lot with all your given code, right now I am working with this one, but it is still not giving the expected results -
What I want is, a regular textarea, where one can put regular text, hit enter, having a new line, not allowing tags here - maybe <strong>
or <b>
Perfect would be to recognice links and have them surrounded with <a>
This text should automatically have <p>
and <br />
where needed.
To fill in code in various languages one should type
[code lang=xxx]
code [/code]
- in the best case [code lang="xxx"]
or <code lang=xxx>
would work too.
Than typing the code or copy and paste it inside.
The code I am using at the moment, that at least does the changing of tags and output it allright except of tabs and linebreaks is:
public function formatForDisplay( $output ){
$output = preg_replace_callback( '#\[code lang=(php|js|css|html)]((?:[^[]|\[(?!/?code])|(?R))+)\[/code]#', array($this,'replaceWithValues'), $output );
return strip_tags($output,'<code>');
public function replaceWithValues( $matches ){
return '<code class="'.$matches[ 1 ].'">'.htmlentities( $matches[ 2 ] ).'</code>';
Similar like it works here.