



I want to share the container across various layers in my application. I started creating a static class which initialises the container and register types in the container.

public class GeneralDIModule : NinjectModule
    public override void Load()

public abstract class IoC
    private static IKernel _container;

    public static void Initialize()
        _container = new StandardKernel(new GeneralDIModule(), new ViewModelDIModule());

    public static T Get<T>()
        return _container.Get<T>();

I noticed there is a Resolve method as well. What is the difference between Resolve and Get?

In my unit tests I don’t always want every registered type in my container. Is there a way of initializing an empty container and then register types I need. I’ll be mocking types as well in unit test so I’ll have to register them as well.

There is an Inject method, but it says lifecycle of instance is not managed?

Could someone please set me in right way?

How can I register, unregister objects and reset the container.

+2  A: 

Ninject by default binds components in a transient lifestyle and Ninject does not track transient instances. The Resolve is used internally and shouldn't be used by your code unless you really know what you are doing. If you want to mock your container, use the ninject.moq extension on github. The inject method you are referring to is for instances that you have created yourself. Use the Get and TryGet methods.

Ian Davis
In Ninject 2 the default lifestyle is singleton, not transient.
Mauricio Scheffer
We changed it over a year ago to transient. You can see it in the blame for line 104:
Ian Davis
Hi IanThanks for the reply. Few questions- Does Get method create a new instance of the type with transient lifestyle?- If I create a mocked instance of a type using some mocking framework say Rhino Mocks and Inject it into the kernel then does the subsequent Get will create a new instance of that type or will they return the same instance?- Is ninject.moq somehow different to RhinoMocks?Thanks
Oops, sorry, didn't know it was changed back to transient.
Mauricio Scheffer