I want to show some dynamic text and that is read from a php file within xml. Here in swf player i just set three button. Two button for text and one button for images. This all are working fine but the swf background covered by the white background. Here is the normal view and some of this code snippet
normal view image
Code :
btnItem.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showItem);
//btnItem.addEventListener(Event:event, showItem);
function showItem(event:Event):void
imgLoader.alpha =0;
var itemLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
itemLoader.load(new URLRequest("http://localhost/sm/flash/productdata"));
itemLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE , onItemLoad);
function onItemLoad(e:Event):void
var myLoader:XML = new XML(e.target.data);
xmlList = myLoader.children();
//this values array will hold all of the values we need to paginate
var values:Array = new Array();
//defining the 'i' variable so we can use it multiple times in for loops
var i:int;
for(i = 0; i < xmlList.length(); i++){
//textLoader.text = xmlList[i].elements("productname");
values[i] = xmlList[i].elements("productname");
//the current page we're on
var page:int = 1;
//the limit of values we need per page
var limit:int = 1;
//the current row that we're working on
var row:int = 0;
//The total pages that we have
var totalPages:int = Math.ceil(values.length/limit);
function createValues():void{
//this will always limit the amount to the limit variable
//but, "i" will act as a marker for which part of the values
//array that we're going to use
//checks if there actually is a value where "i" is
//otherwise we'll get some undefined movieclips
if(i < values.length){
var newValue:UILoader = new UILoader();
//sets the coordinates based on the row
newValue.x = 5;
newValue.y = 5+newValue.height*row;
//sets this guys value to the correct part of the array
textLoader.text = values[i];
//changing this guys name so we can reference it later
newValue.name = 'value'+row;
//adds the mc to stage
//move onto the next row
row ++;
//then we reset the rows so we can use the variable again
//function to remove the mc's
function removeValues():void{
//this loop will run once for each mc on stage
//get the object in the current row and kill it!
//next page and previous page functions
function prevPage(event:MouseEvent):void{
//checking if the current page isn't too low
if(page > 1){
//take away all of the objects so we can make new ones
page --;
//then update the page text
function nextPage(event:MouseEvent):void{
//checking if the current page isn't too high
if(page < totalPages){
page ++;
//then we place the movieclips onto the stage
//adding listeners to the buttons
btnPrev.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, prevPage);
btnNext.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextPage);
And the view after clicking the button
after clicking image
I'm stacked with in the last two days. Please give me a solution.