



HI, I'm trying to make some code color a PivotTable. It works just fine coloring the cells it's supposed to, but if I refresh the table, all the colors disappear, as if the colors haven't been properly attached to the PivotTable.

I have the following code (this is a snip from a larger code):

myPivotTable.PivotSelect("'" + item["Name"].ToString() + "'[All;Total]", XlPTSelectionMode.xlDataAndLabel, true);

((Range)Globals.ThisWorkbook.Application.Selection).Interior.Color = 15962653;

I've tried doing a macro in Excel in VB, and when it runs, it work works perfectly, so I don't understand why the C# VSTO won't work...

ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotSelect "'ItemName'[All;Total]", xlDataAndLabel, True

Selection.Interior.Color = 15962653

Help is much appreciated :)


Here's a bit more of the code. BaseVars.GlobalWB is a variable which refers to the active workbook (Globals.ThisWorkBook). This makes it possible to work with 2 Excels at the same time, without the VSTO running code on the wrong workbook.

foreach (DataRow item in myPivotTableFields.Tables[0].Rows)
// Field name from data sheet
            myPivotField = (PivotField)myPivotFields.Item(item["Name"].ToString());
            // Field name in the pivot table
            myPivotField.Caption = item["Caption"].ToString();
            // Their subtotal value
            myPivotField.set_Subtotals(Type.Missing, GenerateSubTotalArray(item["SubTotal"].ToString()));

            #region Attribs

            //Include new items in manual filter
            if (item["Attrib01"].ToString() == "True")
                myPivotField.IncludeNewItemsInFilter = true;
                myPivotField.IncludeNewItemsInFilter = false;

            // Show items labels in outline form
            if (item["Attrib02"].ToString() == "Outline")
                myPivotField.LayoutForm = XlLayoutFormType.xlOutline;
                myPivotField.LayoutForm = XlLayoutFormType.xlTabular;

            // Display labels from the next field in the same column
            if (item["Attrib03"].ToString() == "True")
                myPivotField.LayoutCompactRow = true;
                myPivotField.LayoutCompactRow = false;

            // Display subtotals at the top of each group
            if (item["Attrib04"].ToString() == "AtBottom")
                myPivotField.LayoutSubtotalLocation = XlSubtototalLocationType.xlAtBottom;
                myPivotField.LayoutSubtotalLocation = XlSubtototalLocationType.xlAtTop;

            // Insert blank line after each item label
            if (item["Attrib05"].ToString() == "True")
                myPivotField.LayoutBlankLine = true;
                myPivotField.LayoutBlankLine = false;

            // Show items with no data
            if (item["Attrib06"].ToString() == "True")
                myPivotField.ShowAllItems = true;
                myPivotField.ShowAllItems = false;

            // Insert page break after each item
            if (item["Attrib07"].ToString() == "True")
                myPivotField.LayoutPageBreak = true;
                myPivotField.LayoutPageBreak = false;

            // Set up the pivot table selection
            if (item["Selection"].ToString() != "(blank)")
                myItems = new List<string>();
                myItems = GlobalFunc.Explode(item["Selection"].ToString());
                SetUpPivotTableSelection(myPivotTable, item["Name"].ToString(), myItems);
            else if (item["Selection"].ToString() == "(blank)" && item["Orientation"].ToString() == "Filter")
                myPivotField.CurrentPage = "(All)";

                    myPivotField.ShowDetail = true;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    GlobalFunc.DebugWriter("Error during Pivot Table Reset: " + ex.Message);

                    myPivotTable.PivotSelect("'" + item["Name"].ToString() + "'[All;Total]", XlPTSelectionMode.xlDataAndLabel, true);

                    // Set up the fields borders if it has any
                    myRange = BaseVars.GlobalWB.Application.get_Range(BaseVars.GlobalWB.Application.Selection, BaseVars.GlobalWB.Application.Selection);
                    myRange.Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = (XlLineStyle)InsertLineStyle(item["Attrib12"].ToString());
                    myRange.Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeLeft].LineStyle = (XlLineStyle)InsertLineStyle(item["Attrib13"].ToString());
                    myRange.Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeRight].LineStyle = (XlLineStyle)InsertLineStyle(item["Attrib14"].ToString());
                    myRange.Borders[XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeTop].LineStyle = (XlLineStyle)InsertLineStyle(item["Attrib15"].ToString());
                catch (Exception ex)
                    GlobalFunc.DebugWriter("<LI>Error occured: " + ex.Message + "</LI>");

                // Insert the colors of the field, gradient or solid
                if (item["Color_Total2"].ToString() != null && item["Color_Total2"].ToString() != "")
                    Base.InsertGradient(myRange, int.Parse(item["Color_Total1"].ToString().Replace("0x", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber), int.Parse(item["Color_Total2"].ToString().Replace("0x", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber), false);
                else if (item["Color_Total1"].ToString() != null && item["Color_Total1"].ToString() != "")
                    BaseVars.GlobalWB.Application.get_Range(BaseVars.GlobalWB.Application.Selection, BaseVars.GlobalWB.Application.Selection).Interior.Color = int.Parse(item["Color_Total1"].ToString().Replace("0x", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

If you're using C# VSTO, don't use Selection.Interior.Color. Use Selection.Interior.ColorIndex instead. Excel uses a 56-color palette, and any colors you specify in C# is "translated" into one of those palette colors. Valid ColorIndex values are between 1 and 56. Also check out this helpful reference on the color palette and Excel.

This doesn't work either...It does color the cells, but refreshing the PivotTable makes the cells white again...This is proving a hard nut to crack

Hi! I found a totally different solution to this functionality, so I no longer need to color anything in the PivotTable =)

I made a total rewrite, so instead of saving PivotTables to a databse and regenerating them, I simply save the PivotTables to xlsx files and recover them from there.