



I want to use Maven for PHP with PHPUnit but when I run my tests with "mvn test" I get this error: This happens only when I use a version newer than 3.3.9 for PHPUnit. The tests work just fine with PHPUnit 3.3.9. Any idea?

+2  A: 

I found the problem, it is in Maven.php file from the maven for php plugin.

On line 26 you have:


For PHPUnit versions newer than 3.3.9 you should have


The name of 'xmlLogFile' argument changed to 'junitLogFile' from version 3.4.0 on.

I hope the maven for php guys will make the correction asap. Until then you have to checkout the plugin source from here:

Modify the Maven.php file as described above and run a "mvn install" from the /src dir - this will install the modified maven for php plugin locally and you will be able to work with it.

Nice! Well done.
Pascal Thivent