My application checks a number of domains to see if they are valid (approx 100). I have the following code to check a single domain:
def self.test_url uri, limit = 10
if limit == 0
return get_error_messages("001")
url = URI.parse(uri)
response = Net::HTTP.start(, url.port).request_head('/')
rescue SocketError => e
return get_error_messages("002")
case response
when Net::HTTPRedirection then test_url(response['location'], limit - 1)
else return get_error_messages(response.code)
The code checks for the response code while taking into account redirects. This works fine. The only problem I have is when I put this in a loop I want it to run in parallel. So I don't have to wait for domain 1 to respond before I can request domain 2.
I have managed this in PHP using curl_multi to run the requests in parallel. Is there a similar thing I can do in Rails?