given all the possible solutions to have a template system with GNU Emacs, what do people use today ? I am still using skeleton-mode but as I read it here and there, we must be really few to do so.
What are you using and why ? (maybe I could switch to a more popular tool).
For example, given this snippet:
(define-skeleton mwe:cl-defpackage-skeleton
"Inserts a Common Lisp DEFPACKAGE skeleton."
(skeleton-read "Package: " (if v1
(if (setq v1 (bobp)) ";;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Syntax:ANSI-Common-Lisp;")
& (if buffer-file-coding-system
(concat " Coding:"
(coding-system-get buffer-file-coding-system
& " -*-"
& \n
& \n "(defpackage #:" str
\n "(:nicknames" ("Nickname: " " #:" str) & ")" | '(kill-whole-line -1)
\n "(:use #:CL" ((slime-read-package-name "USEd package: ") " #:" str) ")"
")" \n
(if v1 "(in-package #:") & str & ")" & \n &
(credits: http://www.foldr.org/~michaelw/log/programming/lisp/defpackage-skeleton)
which (modern) template mode could do the same (and how ;)) ?