



How the heck does Ruby do this? Does Jörg or anyone else know what's happening behind the scenes?

Unfortunately I don't know C very well so bignum.c is of little help to me. I was just kind of curious it someone could explain (in plain English) the theory behind whatever miracle algorithm its using.

irb(main):001:0> 999**999



It uses the Bignum class

irb(main):001:0> (999**999).class
=> Bignum

Rdoc is available of course

+3  A: 

You could read the source for bignum.c...

At a very high level, without going into any implementation details, bignums are calculated "by hand" like you used to do in grade school. Now, there are certainly many optimizations that can be applied, but that's the gist of it.

Mark Rushakoff
Unfortunately I don't know C very well. I was just kind of curious it someone could explain (in plain English) the theory behind whatever miracle algorithm its using.
@macek: that "miracle algorithm" is the same one you learned in first grade. Well, okay, there's all kinds of crazy optimizations one can do, but it's essentially the same. Think about it: *you* can multiply `23*45` even though our number system only goes from `0` to `9` by simply using *multiple* numbers. The same can be done on the computer, except with a number system that goes from `0` to `4294967296`.
Jörg W Mittag
+2  A: 

I don't know of the implementation details so I'll cover how a basic Big Number implementation would work.

Basically instead of relying on CPU "integers" it will create it's own using multiple CPU integers. To store arbritrary precision, well lets say you have 2 bits. So the current integer is 11. You want to add one. In normal CPU integers, this would roll over to 00

But, for big number, instead of rolling over and keeping a "fixed" integer width, it would allocate another bit and simulate an addition so that the number becomes the correct 100.

Try looking up how binary math can be done on paper. It's very simple and is trivial to convert to an algorithm.

+4  A: 
Jörg W Mittag
You have such a good way of explaining things. Thank you for all of your help :)