



I'm trying to run a mysqldump from php using the nohup command to prevent the script from hanging. Here's the command (The database is mc6_erik_test, everything else is just a table list until you get to the end)

exec("mysqldump -u root -pPassword -h mc6_erik_test access_log admin affiliate affiliate_2_product authorized_ip category category_2_product claim_code claim_code_log country_exclude customer customer_2_subscription customer_account_log customer_address customer_bill customer_discount customer_ip customer_key email_bulk_log email_draft email_queue email_queue_log email_template endicia_log gift_wrap image_bulk_upload log mailing_list manufacturer merchant merchant_checkout merchant_ip merchant_ship merchant_ship_conf new_account_temp order_dest order_item order_item_2_dest order_item_2_package order_item_log order_item_registrant order_note order_package order_package_label orders package package_2_product pref product product_2_supplier product_also product_event_date product_image product_option product_related product_review product_review_helpful product_ship_disable report search_log subscription supplier temp_product transaction_account transactions wish_list wish_list_fill wish_list_item --opt --where='merchant_id=\'6\'' > /tmp/sync_db_card_20100519105358.sql");

As you can see it's really long, because I have to specifically include only the tables I want to dump. The command works great from the command line, however when I run it through a web script towards the end the following is being used as the command...

supplier temp_product transaction_account transactio!
 ns wish_list wish_list_fill wish_list_item  --opt --where='merchant_id="6"' >

So the table 'transactions' is being split by an exclamation point and newline. The rest of the command is exactly the same. And if I run this through the php-cli interface it doesn't happen only when I try running it via the webserver using nohup. I'm wondering if there is some inherit string length to using the exec command within a php script, or really if anyone has any general idea what is going on here.


How did you come to the conclusion that it inserts an exclamation mark?

Emil Vikström