



rofessional Android 2 Application Development (Wrox Programmer to Programmer) This has about 13 comments with the majority being 4 and 5 stars

And this one for the Java reference. Java: The Complete Reference, Seventh Edition I am not allowed to post more than one hyperlink. But Amazon carries this book as well

I am picking these two books because of another popular thread saying I should have an Android book and a java reference but no one mentioned a book for either. I figured I'd go with the highest rated in for each of those criteria.

I didn't know if I could ask a question in the same thread about what books so I figured it was better to start a new one.

+5  A: 

I use the commonsware books -

I'm using the soft copy as I get the updates whenever they occur. Also the author posts here quite often. You get 3 books there.

I've been seeing that URL on almost every group I have posted to. I think his name might be Mark. I guess I'll start there. Now I wonder if my wife will let me get a second monitor. Trying to go from the browser to Eclipse and back gets to be a headache. I'd rate you up but it looks like I don't have enough street cred here. Thanks.
+1 for this. Highly recommended. Yeah having a second monitor for this is a great idea!

In addition to Commonsware's books, I also liked Unlocking Android: A Developer's Guide. It's not terribly in-depth, but it was a good starting point for me.

Erich Douglass