Do Hibernate Projection aliases even work? I could swear it just doesn't. At least, it doesn't do what I would expect it to do.
Here is the java:
return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria( PersonProgramActivity.class ).setProjection(
Projections.alias( Projections.sum( "numberOfPoints" ), "number_of_points" ) ).add(
Projections.groupProperty( "" ) ) ).setFirstResult( start ).setFetchSize(
size ).addOrder( Order.desc( "numberOfPoints" ) ).list();
Here is the SQL that it generates:
select sum(this_.number_of_points) as y0_, this_.person_id as y1_ from PERSON_PROGRAM_ACTIVITY this_ group by this_.person_id order by this_.number_of_points desc
It doesn't seem to use the alias at all. I would think setting the alias would mean that "sum(this_.number_of_points)" would be aliased as "number_of_points" and not "y0_". Is there some trick I am missing?