



I have my CI site working well except the URL's are a bit ugly. What approach should I take to enable me to route what is displaying at:

to the url:

I'm confused about whether this should be be done in the routes file or in my .htaccess



you should be able to accomplish that with some of the examples on this page

David Morrow
Perhaps I should of mentioned I'd already read that.
Dr. Frankenstein
ok sorry, so can you show me your attempt at writing a route for this then?
David Morrow
+3  A: 

There are couple of ways to set up config/routes.php, the suitability depends on your requirements.

  1. Route for each page, if you have just a couple of pages that you want to route:

    $route['Planning'] = 'content/index/6';  
    $route['Working'] = 'content/index/7';  
    // etc.
  2. You can use fallback url, that will match after all other route rules - that means you must set rules that might match this rule before the fallback rule. It also means you loose ID, and have to query database based on the title:

    $route['register'] = 'register'; // this would match the fallback rule  
    $route['([a-z-A-Z1-9_]+)'] = 'content/index/$1'; // letters, numbers and underscore  
    // you'll receive "Planning" as parameter to Content::index method
  3. Or you can have policy that all urls to content must start with capital letter, in that case you don't have to worry about other route rules

    $route['([A-Z]{1}[a-z-A-Z1-9_]+)'] = 'content/index/$1';  
    // again, you'll receive "Planning" as parameter to Content::index method
  4. You still want the numerical ID, so you don't have to change the controller/model:

    $route['(\d+)/[a-z-A-Z1-9_]+'] = 'content/index/$1';  
    // routes now look uglier: