I'm using the Geokit plugin to calculate the distance between the current_user and other users (geocoding actually stored in Profile model).
For testing purpose, I created two Users, one in Minneapolis, MN and one in St. Paul, MN. I used the Geokit gem to geocode the Profiles' lat/lng pair in an IRB session.
I changed the Index view to list each Profile's name, location, and lat/lng pair. These values match the values in the database.
I changed the Index view to display the current_user's lat/lng pair. I authenticated as each User to ensure that the current_user's lat/lng pair matched expectations. It did.
I added an instance method to the Profile model, named ll, to return the lat/lng fields as LatLng object:
def ll
#if lat and lng fields aren't empty
LatLng.new(self.lat,self.lng) if (!self.lat.nil? && !self.lng.nil?)
I changed the query in the ProfileController's Index action to calculate distances between each user and the current_user:
@profiles = Profile.find(:all,
:conditions => conditions, # set WHERE clause
:order => order_by, # set ORDER BY clause
:origin => current_user.profile.ll, # calculate distance based on current_user's location
:units => :miles # use miles
Finally, I changed the Index view to display the distance between the current_user and each individual user:
<%=h profile.location %> (<%= profile.ll %>) -
<%= profile.distance.to_f.round(1) %> mi
When I authenticated as user A (44.9799654,-93.2638361), the distance calculations were correct:
A (44.9799654,-93.2638361) - 0.0 mi B (44.9444101,-93.0932742) - 8.7 m
However, when I authenticated as user B (44.9444101,-93.0932742), the distance calculations were incorrect:
A (44.9799654,-93.2638361) - 32.8 mi B (44.9444101,-93.0932742) - 41.1 mi
I was able to verify the distance calculations between the 'raw' lat/lng pairs:
a = LatLng.new(44.9799654,-93.2638361)
=> #<Geokit::LatLng:0x1034af778 @lat=44.9799654, @lng=-93.2638361>
>> b = LatLng.new(44.9444101,-93.0932742)
=> #<Geokit::LatLng:0x1034aab88 @lat=44.9444101, @lng=-93.0932742>
>> a.distance_to(b)
=> 8.70261379563918
>> b.distance_to(a)
=> 8.70261379563918
I'm at a loss to explain what is happening. Any ideas would be appreciated.