




In a small test project, I currently have the provider sections in the web.config. I want to move that to a separate config file, like providers.config. My current provider instantiation code is like:

   //Get the feature's configuration info
                    ProviderConfiguration pc = (ProviderConfiguration)ConfigurationManager.GetSection(DATA_PROVIDER_NAME);

This code works if the provider info is in web.config, but how to I read this info from another file (like providers.condfig) because it seems that the ConfigurationManager "reads" only web.config file. I may be missing something very simple here :)

Would love to get more inputs on this.

Thanks V


If you want to reference an external file for a collection of settings in the web.config you can do this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<appSettings file="externalSettings.config"/>



    <compilation debug="false" strict="false" explicit="true" />


Hope this helps.

So in your case you can do something like this:

    <section name="ProviderName" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
  <ProviderName file="provider.config" />
thanks Richard, I am aware of the file or configsource attributes :). But here the problem is provider sections, like:<section name="MyProvider" type="xx" /><MyProvider ....><add ...> </MyProvider>
Richard, I think I did not make my question clear, apologies for it. Actually if I use the file name, then I would have to do that for EVERY provider, something which i was thinking of getting rid off. Basically I dont even want to mention ANY provider section (not even <section name=""...> stuff) in the web.config. I want all that info in another config class

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