




Hey Everyone,

If I have the following arrays

arry1 = array(
    101 => array(
        'title1' => 'data', 
        'title2' => 'data', 
        'title3' => 'data'
    102 => array(
        'title1' => 'data', 
        'title2' => 'data', 
        'title3' => 'data'

arry2 = array(
    101 => array(
        'title4' => 'data', 
        'title5' => 'data', 
        'title6' => 'data'
    102 => array(
        'title4' => 'data', 
        'title5' => 'data', 
        'title6' => 'data'

and I want to change them into

arry3 = array(
    101 => array(
        'title1' => 'data', 
        'title2' => 'data', 
        'title3' => 'data',
        'title4' => 'data', 
        'title5' => 'data', 
        'title6' => 'data'
    102 => array(
        'title1' => 'data', 
        'title2' => 'data', 
        'title3' => 'data',
        'title4' => 'data', 
        'title5' => 'data', 
        'title6' => 'data'

Is there a simple function from php arrays to do this? If not, what do you believe would be the most efficient way to program this?

Thanks for any help,

Sorry I updated the arrays to be the way they actually should be....array_merge_recursive gives me the following,

arry3 = array(
    0 => array(
        'title1' => 'data', 
        'title2' => 'data', 
        'title3' => 'data'
    1 => array(
        'title4' => 'data', 
        'title5' => 'data', 
        'title6' => 'data'

I need the 101, and 102 to stick, and I need the data to all be in the same lower level array....

+1  A: 

I assume you want to add the latter array to the first. Therefore, use this:

array_merge_recursive(array1, array2);

... and it'll do exactly what you want.

As it seems, that my above solution is not entirely correct, use this:


function array_merge_subarrays(array $array1, array $array2) {
    $resultArray = array();
    // The foreach instead of a plain for is to keep the specific values of the keys
    foreach ($array1 as $key => $subarray) {
        $resultArray[$key] = array_merge($subarray, $array2[$key]);
    return $resultArray;

$arr1 = array(
    101 => array(
        'title1' => 'data', 
        'title2' => 'data', 
        'title3' => 'data'
    102 => array(
        'title1' => 'data', 
        'title2' => 'data', 
        'title3' => 'data'

$arr2 = array(
    101 => array(
        'title4' => 'data', 
        'title5' => 'data', 
        'title6' => 'data'
    102 => array(
        'title4' => 'data', 
        'title5' => 'data', 
        'title6' => 'data'

print_r(array_merge_subarrays($arr1, $arr2));



Array ( 
    [101] => Array ( 
        [title1] => data
        [title2] => data
        [title3] => data
        [title4] => data
        [title5] => data
        [title6] => data
    [102] => Array (
        [title1] => data 
        [title2] => data 
        [title3] => data 
        [title4] => data 
        [title5] => data 
        [title6] => data


Sune Rasmussen
I would upvote this but I'm out of votes for the day... and @sirhc just took it to the next level in a race to win a green checkmark =b
Well they are both wrong :p so no checkmark yet lol
@Metropolis: Yeah, I see. Updated my answer with a little self-written one ;)
Sune Rasmussen
@Sune Works great, and pretty efficient. Thanks a lot! So I assume there is no PHP function that handles this huh?
@Metropolis: To be honest with you, *I don't know*, but it doesn't seem so. See this as you'll know why: http://php.net/quickref.php :) ... So I suggested writing an efficient little bastard for you was easier ;)
Sune Rasmussen
Nice job! :) I didn't think about the renumbering.