



I'm going to create a web site which should manage users accounts. A user opens an account and gets relevant data for his needs.

What technology should I be using to create this site? Are there any templates I could use?

I don't have the time to take care of the web site's desgin, Are there any places where I can buy some graphics?



Well, if you are going for rapid application development, i suggest using a framework or a CMS as suggested by @Glycerine.

But I am not understanding what you mean by technology? I am not sure that there is anything called "technology" in php.

Apache is a server technology I am familiar with.

What framework or CMS should I be using?
You can use symphony, zend for frameworks.Go with zend, it is from the creators of php itself.For CMS, use joomla, a lot of tools there

You might also consider Google AppEngine, as by using Google Accounts you avoid having to do a lot of the tricky bits related to account management as it's handled for you (and a good number of people will already have accounts, so it's one less step they have to go through to start using your site).


Your question is too general to answer properly. Can you be a bit more specific?

There's a whole stack of technologies you might want to look at. Radius, LDAP, openID OATH, PAM, NTLM, SSL....and that's just for authentication substrate.

Are there any templates I could use?

Eh? The term templates is usually applied to manipulation at the presentation layer - at least 95% of the code to implement such a system has nothing to do with presentation.


I'll give further details.I'm into rapid web site development.I need to come up with a site that has an option for creating usersand managing users accounts.This is the main goal of the site.The site will present some information specific for each user.I need to support some forms for inserting user specific settings.I need to support a open source forum service.This is an overview of my needs.Thanks
This is not a lot of help. Presumably the account is **for** something - how do you propose communicating this information with that something? Does it have any requirements about how the information is supplied? What information is supplied?