




HI all!

I would like to insert a hash at the beginning of a selected block of text in VIM (ruby comment). I selected the lines in Visual Mode, but how do I perform the same operation to all lines?

Thank you in advance!


You better use this.

COMMAND MODE with set number to see lines


First number before comma is the start line and second number after comma is the end line. Both are included.

This isn't quite how you deal with a visual selection.
@Jefromi, yes, but it is faster in the execution of the desired result.
@Dez: Sure, if you already know the line numbers. What if the fastest way to specify the selection `nVn`, or `V}}}`? Why force yourself to look up line numbers? Just use `nVn:s/.../.../`.
+6  A: 

You have two primary options:

  • Select in block visual mode (ctrl-v), then use I to insert the same thing along the left side of the entire block. Similarly A appends; see blockwise operators.

  • Select the lines in normal visual (v) or visual line (V) mode, then run the same command on all of them, for example s/^/# / or normal I#. Typing : while you have a visual selection automatically uses the visual selection as the line range (denoted by '<,'>).

Block visual mode did not work for me, but normal did. In block visual, I selected the first char of every line, and it deleted all of them, not putting what I wanted in. The second worked though, thank you!
@tesmar: I use that all the time; I know it works - you must've done some little thing wrong. `ctrl-v`, get the selection you want (first char is fine, like you did), `I# <Esc>`.
You are right, it worked once I realized I had to press ctrl + v. Thanks for the tip!
+2  A: 

While in visual mode do the


actually, '<,'> will be inserted automatically when you hit :.

Michael Krelin - hacker