I have the following:
$data{host} -> [$i] -> {someotherstuff}
How can I get the length of the array where [$i] is?
I have the following:
$data{host} -> [$i] -> {someotherstuff}
How can I get the length of the array where [$i] is?
Answer added on account of msw's comment:
use autobox::Core;
# ...
This works the same as Cfreak's answer, except with much less convoluted syntax, at the cost of using a module.
I have the thesis that most legitimate complaints about Perl can be simply answered with »It does not need to be this way!« and satisfied with short synopsis from CPAN.
If you want the last index, you can use: $#@{ $data{host} }
Obviously, the length of the array is last index + 1. Use this notation when it is harder to achieve scalar context, or when you specifically want length-1. For example:
0..$#{$data{host}} # returns a list of all indices of the array
Sometime useful.