



Obviously you can't just surround the <tr> tag with an <a> tag and call it a day; this is invalid and doesn't even work. I have seen JavaScript used, but then what happens to browsers that don't support JavaScript? What is the best way to make an entire table row <tr> into a link?

Edit: At the request of Lerxst, here is an example of a table with some rows:

        <tr><th>Name</th><th>Number of widgets</th></tr>
        <tr><td>Bob Smith</td><td>Three</td></tr>
        <tr><td>Chuck Norris</td><td>Infinity+1</td></tr>


pretty much you give the appearance of having the row act as a link, by having CSS change colors to represnt links and create on mouse over and on click events that react and redirect to the appropriate change, the link eplains how to do that

the fallback could be add a tag link to the code if JS is not available, that way people without JS can still use the link included in the row. so you have a fallback option

Justin Gregoire
He asked to do it without Javascript.
+1  A: 

Without Javascript support, you simply can't. A link is a link, and a table row is a table row (that is, an <a> is an <a> and a <tr> is a <tr>). Table rows and most other markup elements have no "natural" link-like behavior. The best you can do is fill all your table cells with <a> tags around the content. edit: Note that you would want to tweak the styles so that the <a> tags are laid out such that they completely fill the table cells; maybe make them display: block for starters.

Or you could use Javascript.

The trouble with putting a link in *every* cell is that non-pointer users then have to tab through multiple copies of what are (essentially) the same link. It makes for a horrible experience.
David Dorward
I completely agree. Of course, keyboard navigators are going to have it rough with a Javascript solution too, unless maybe some ARIA attributes could be added to the `<tr>`. I don't know enough about that however. (Oh, looking at your solution I see what you're getting at.)
    <style type="text/css">
    table a { display: block; }
    table a:hover { background: yellow; }
    .name { display: block; float: left; width: 300px; }

            <tr><th class="name">Name</th><th>Number of widgets</th></tr>
            <tr><td colspan="2"><a href="#"><span class="name">Bob Smith</span>Three</a></td></tr>
            <tr><td colspan="2"><a href="#"><span class="name">Bob Smith</span>Three</a></td></tr>

Table in table just for link? I don't think it's a good idea.
It's totally invalid HTML to put a table inside an `<a>` tag. (*edit:* except in HTML5, but I don't know whether IE6 would like it)
Just attempting to provide viable solutions to the mate. He does not want JavaScript examples. :) @prostynick There are some "I don't think it's a good idea" within this question.
+4  A: 

My preference would be to put a link in the most logical cell for it (probably the name), then add an event handler along the lines of:

 tr.onclick = function (e) {
     location.href = this.getElementsByTagName('a')[0].href;

Non-JS clients would still be able to use the regular link.

More efficiently, attach the event handler to the table and use the event object to find the element with the click and then climb up the tree of parents until it hit a row. This is probably best achieved with a library such as YUI or jQuery.

David Dorward

This works only in IE8+, not at all in other browsers- they accept the display:table-row but do not enable the link. Its not a good option- But it was worth a try.

<table border="1">
        <tr><th>Name</th><th>Number of widgets</th></tr>
        <tr><td>Bob Smith</td><td>Three</td></tr>
        <a style="display:table-row" href="../../index.html"><td>Chuck Norris</td><td>Infinity+1</td></a>
The HTML is invalid.
David Dorward