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Recommended reading for new team lead

As a programming team leader, which books do you recommend?

Books about HR, good programming practices etc.

I have recently seen PHP Team Development but it is not mind blowing for experienced developers.

One of the best I can recommend is Microsoft Manual of Style for Technical Publications, which helped me a lot in improving the language and practices of documenting the code.

+2  A: 

Code Leader: Using People, Tools, and Processes to Build Successful Software (Programmer to Programmer)

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I'm clicking, *he* does nothing!
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+9  A: 

The Mythical Man-Month, by Fred Brooks. Anybody who has any kind of a management role in a software project needs to know this book forward and back. Also, read C. A. R. Hoare's 1980 Turing Award lecture, The Emperor's Old Clothes (pdf).

Adam Crossland
Brooks essays are important but it can be summed up in a few axioms, and the text is fairly dated.
There's certainly a range of opinion on whether Brooks's work is dated or timeless. I am firmly on the timeless side. I think that MMM as well as No Silver Bullet are very well worth the small investment of time required to read them.
Adam Crossland
@Eugarps It's not only about the knowledge but about enjoing the reading too.
@Adam Thanks for the link to the pdf.
+8  A: 

PeopleWare: Productive Projects and Teams.

+5  A: 

Code Complete, 2nd Edition -

This is full of best practice guidelines. Also, if you are doing any OO design:

Patterns of Enterprise Architecture -

And I think every team needs a little more requirements analysis:

These are three books I wish my project leader would read ;)

These books cover planning, design and construction together.

+1 for Code Complete. EVERYBODY needs to read it.
Adam Crossland
+1 for Code Complete (I started with 1st Ed, so neh! ;-). I'd *almost* downvote for a "Patterns" book though -- not that they aren't useful to be able to spout off by name, but in seeing patterns over-used and "mandated" without answering the question: is this really a good approach?
+1  A: 

Managing Humans

Awesome book. Written in an entertaining manner that covers a lot software specific challenges like a 1.0 release. Has a way of making you think not just of the people you are responsible for, but of yourself as well. Invaluable.

+2  A: 

Another dated but still classic is The Psychology of Computer Programming by Gerald M. Weinberg.

I also like Death March by Edward Yourdon and Peopleware by DeMarco & Lister.


I would recommend Mary and Tom Poppendieck's Lean Software Development. If you take the Lean principles to heart, you and your team will likely avoid a lot of costly waste and have a better chance of delivering quality software in an efficient manner. This book succinctly expresses a lot of the most powerful ideas of the agile movement, and really drives home the importance of putting authority into the hands of the "foot soldier".

+1  A: 

an old classic about human relationship, which is highly recommended for anyone in any role in life (parent, partner, employer, friend, etc.) is How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

do yourself a favor and read it, it's a short book and an easy read, with a nice aroma of the 1930's, though 100% relevant for our current times (even more so with today's harsh world).
