




Hello, I'm having a problem using the Swing Application Framework's Component Resource Injection, I read the tutorial provided by Sun and it kinda works.

The case is that I have a class Program that extends from the SingleFrameApplication provided by de SAF, now I want to get the text of my components (buttons and labels, etc.) from a properties file and it works as expected for that Program class, (I created a subdirectory called resources and put the Program.properties file in there). But, I have a MainFrame within a subpackage named mainpkg.gui (the Program is within the mainpkg package) and I created the corresponding resources subsubpackage for placing the MainFrame.properties file, and it does not work! I cannot get the bundle (automatically, I guess if I use the ResourceMap.getXXX() method I'd get the stuff.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance!