



This is a program that finds the highest common factor of 2 different 3digit number.

If I put 200, 235,312 (low numbers) it works fine, but if I put 500, 550, 654 (i.e. bigger numbers) the program crashes after the second 3-digit number is entered. Can you help me find out what the problem is?

.model small
.stack 400h

message   db "hello. ", 0ah, 0dh, "$"
firstdigit db ?
seconddigit db ?
thirddigit db ?
number dw ?
newnumber db ?
anumber dw 0d
bnumber dw 0d
Firstn db 0ah, 0dh, "Enter first 3 digit number:  ","$"
secondn db 0ah, 0dh, "Enter second 3 digit number:  ","$"
messageB db  0ah, 0dh, "HCF of two number is:  ","$"
linebreaker db  0ah, 0dh, ' ', 0ah, 0dh, '$'


 mov ax, @data   ; establish access to the data segment
 mov ds, ax    ;
 mov number, 0d

 mov dx, offset message          ; print the string "yob choi 0648293"
   mov ah, 9h                      
   int 21h          

   mov dx, offset Firstn          ; print the string "put 1st 3 digit"
   mov ah, 9h                      
   int 21h                         ;run
 JMP FirstFirst   ; jump to FirstFirst

;first digit        
 mov ah, 1d   ;bios code for read a keystroke
 int 21h    ;call bios, it is understood that the ascii code will be returned in al
 mov firstdigit, al  ;may as well save a copy
 sub al, 30h   ;Convert code to an actual integer
 cbw    ;CONVERT BYTE TO WORD. This takes whatever number is in al and
     ;extends it to ax, doubling its size from 8 bits to 16 bits
      ;The first digit now occupies all of ax as an integer
 mov cx, 100d  ;This is so we can calculate 100*1st digit +10*2nd digit + 3rd digit
 mul cx    ;start to accumulate the 3 digit number in the variable imul cx
      ;it is understood that the other operand is ax
      ; the result will use both dx::ax
      ;dx will contain only leading zeros
 add anumber, ax  ;save   

;Second Digit     
 mov ah, 1d   ;bios code for read a keystroke
 int 21h    ;call bios, it is understood that the ascii code will be returned in al
 mov seconddigit, al ;may as well save a copy
 sub al, 30h   ;Convert code to an actual integer
 cbw     ;CONVERT BYTE TO WORD. This takes whatever number is in al and
      ;extends it to ax, boubling its size from 8 bits to 16 bits
      ;The first digit now occupies all of ax as an integer
 mov cx, 10d   ;continue to accumulate the 3 digit number in the variable
 mul cx    ;it is understood that the other operand is ax, containing first digit
      ;the result will use both dx::ax
      ;dx will contain only leading zeros. 
 add anumber, ax  ;save 

;third Digit 
 mov ah, 1d   ;samething as above
 int 21h    ;
 mov thirddigit, al ; 
 sub al, 30h   ;
 cbw     ;

 add anumber, ax  ;
 jmp num2   ;go to checks

 mov dx, offset secondn          ; print the string "put 2nd 3 digits"
   mov ah, 9h                      
   int 21h                         ;run
 JMP SecondSecond


;first digit        
 mov ah, 1d   ;bios code for read a keystroke
 int 21h    ;call bios, it is understood that the ascii code will be returned in al
 mov firstdigit, al  ;may as well save a copy
 sub al, 30h   ;Convert code to an actual integer
 cbw    ;CONVERT BYTE TO WORD. This takes whatever number is in al and
     ;extends it to ax, doubling its size from 8 bits to 16 bits
      ;The first digit now occupies all of ax as an integer
 mov cx, 100d  ;This is so we can calculate 100*1st digit +10*2nd digit + 3rd digit
 mul cx    ;start to accumulate the 3 digit number in the variable imul cx
      ;it is understood that the other operand is ax
      ; the result will use both dx::ax
      ;dx will contain only leading zeros
 add bnumber, ax  ;save   

;Second Digit     
 mov ah, 1d   ;bios code for read a keystroke
 int 21h    ;call bios, it is understood that the ascii code will be returned in al
 mov seconddigit, al ;may as well save a copy
 sub al, 30h   ;Convert code to an actual integer
 cbw     ;CONVERT BYTE TO WORD. This takes whatever number is in al and
      ;extends it to ax, boubling its size from 8 bits to 16 bits
      ;The first digit now occupies all of ax as an integer
 mov cx, 10d   ;continue to accumulate the 3 digit number in the variable
 mul cx    ;it is understood that the other operand is ax, containing first digit
      ;the result will use both dx::ax
      ;dx will contain only leading zeros. 
 add bnumber, ax  ;save 

;third Digit 
 mov ah, 1d   ;samething as above
 int 21h    ;
 mov thirddigit, al ; 
 sub al, 30h   ;
 cbw     ;

 add bnumber, ax  ;
 jmp compare   ;go to compare


 CMP ax, anumber       ;comparing numbB and Number
 JA comp1              ;go to comp1 if anumber is bigger
 CMP ax, anumber       ;
 JB comp2       ;go to comp2 if anumber is smaller
 CMP ax, anumber   ;
 JE equal       ;go to equal if two numbers are the same
 JMP compare      ;go to compare (avioding error)


 SUB ax, anumber; subtract smaller number from bigger number
 JMP compare ;

 SUB anumber, ax; subtract smaller number from bigger number
 JMP compare ;

 mov ah, 9d   ;make linkbreak after the 2nd 3 digit number
 mov dx, offset linebreaker
 int 21h
 mov ah, 9d   ;print "HCF of two number is:"
 mov dx, offset messageB
 int 21h

 mov ax,anumber   ;copying 2nd number into ax  
 add al,30h   ; converting to ascii  
 mov newnumber,al  ; copying from low part of register into newnumb  

 mov ah, 2d   ;bios code for print a character
 mov dl, newnumber  ;we had saved the ascii code here
 int 21h    ;call to bios

 JMP exit;


 mov ah, 4ch    
 int 21h    ;exit the program
