I have a webpage where I want the user to see a new image when they put thier mouse over a certain part of the image. I used an image map.
<img src="pic.jpg" usemap="#picmap" />
<map id="picmap" name="picmap"><area shape="rect" coords ="10,20,30,40"
onMouseOver="mouse_on_write('mouse is on spot')"
onMouseOut="mouse_off('mouse is off spot')"
href="http://www....html" target="_blank" />
<p id="desc"></p>
Where in the header I defined these functions:
<script type="text/javascript">
function mouse_off(txt)
function mouse_on_write(txt)
It works, but it is slow. When the mouse is put over the second image it takes some few seconds to appear; my temporary solution was to drastically reduce the size of the images because they were huge (at 2.5mb they switch fast now, but still not seamless). How can I make the image switching more seamless without reduction in picture quality? On second thought I realize that I could also just have both images displayed, at a small and a large scale, and on mouse over they would switch places; How would I do this? Would this reduce lag?