



I installed Eclipse and PyDev and I'm wondering if I have to setup anything else?

The reason I'm asking is that I'm finding the auto complete isn't working in certain cases. For example, if I have a variable a_string, I'd like to see a list of available methods once I type "a_string." or if I have an array I'd like to see what methods it has. But neither one works atm.

Right now I can see methods from imported packages though.


It should work out of the box (given you configured your python interpreter path properly).

However, keep in mind that since Python is duck-typed you will not necessarily get the full auto-complete set you would expect from strongly-typed languages such as Java. Having said that, PyDev does do a good job with detecting easy scenarios to auto-complete, such as:

list = [1,2,3]
list. # auto-complete will recognize list is a list

Additionally, check out this question for some more info.

Yuval A