



I haven't programmed in a while, and have kind of lost interest, but I want to get back, and I've enjoyed C# the most, a lot more than objective-c and visual basic. So I want to make some games that me and my friends will be able to play next school year. So basically something you can play on the web.

What programming languages deploy to the web? If c# is possible, and a mac with safari/firefox would be able to use it (I can't install plugins, and I don't want to get in trouble for making myself admin again) Flash, Java, etc. If java does, I'd like that most since it's most like c#. Then what libraries/engines would I use? I want to do 2d. And then what IDE would I use?

Thanks in advance!


What programming languages deploy to the web?

Java, C#, Python, Perl for the back end.

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Flash, Flex on the front end.

If c# is possible, and a mac with safari/firefox would be able to use it (I can't install plugins, and I don't want to get in trouble for making myself admin again) Flash, Java, etc.

C# is out for Mac, as far as I know. It'll have to be Java, Python, or Perl if you use Mac.

If java does, I'd like that most since it's most like c#. Then what libraries/engines would I use? I want to do 2d.

You can use Java2D or OpenGL for graphics.

And then what IDE would I use?

I think IntelliJ is the best IDE there is, but you'll probably go with Eclipse or NetBeans since both are free.

How does c# deploy to the web? I know runescape used java, but how would I put a c# game on a web page, so that a regular computer could use it without installing plugins?
+1  A: 

Have a look at the NerdDinner Tutorial for ASP.NET MVC. I think you will find it very interesting. You can stick with C#, use Visual Studio, and learn new things like client-side programming with Javascript and jQuery. It's also compatible with Flash.

Robert Harvey
+1  A: 

Heh, program a game in vanilla JavaScript, there's a good idea. </sarcasm>

Java will deploy to the web...with an applet installed. You remember those from c. 2003; they were all over the place on the web. Alternatively, you might be able to use Google Web Toolkit to "compile" Java code to javaScript. This is how they made GMail and Google Wave. I haven't researched it much, but I've heard it's powerful and useful.

Christian Mann
2003? Try 1996. And here are some JavaScript games: It can be done. They're just not Playstation-esque.
Heh. A framework/library (jQuery is a good one for making games due to its `$.animate()` method) could be used to create a decent game in JavaScript, though.
Christian Mann

I would recommend ASP.NET MVC if you need some server-side logic and connection to Database.

If you just need 2D graphics, I would recommend using javascript (with jQuery or other libraries) and take advantage of the Canvas. If you are so into C#, you can use Silverlight to do 2D drawing on the browser, but your users will probably need to install the plugin (much like Flash). The latter is also another option, with a syntax similar to Javascript, but with a graphical IDE.

+1  A: 

If you want to start some project quickly and in a productive way, I recommend checking Ruby on Rails, but, the syntax is different than Java and it is not strongly typed, but it is the most quicker way to build a web application.

I am not sure if mono project, does implement and or C# for web, I think it is more related with the client side. (considering you are on a mac and .Net is all Microsoft world)

If you want to stick with Java, I recommend watching some screencasts related to Java Server Faces.

Jquery does also a great job on the UI and Ajax, and it is server side independent.

I am using Flex for some projects, but if I would not be able to use it, I'd go with Google Web toolkit. It is all Java, even when generating html, it has some sort of a small footprint java-to-javascript compiler so all your code is Java, and what has to be compiled to JS / Html, it does it for you afterwards.



Ernani Joppert
I am also enthusiastic about Myeclipse for Spring with their scaffolding option that exports flex, gwt, iphone, webflow and spring-mvc.For wireframing go with axure xp, it's the best you can get, for easy mockups, go with balsamiq mockups.Cheers,Ernani
Ernani Joppert

If Google's Native Client pulls through to other languages than C and C++ (which it should), then you would be able to run C# directly. You'd still have to write the UI and such, though, but if you absolutely prefer C#, then NaCl is probably the way to go if you're willing to wait for widespread adoption.
