How would you convert a java.util.List<String>
instance into a java.sql.Array
3Use connection.createArrayOf(...)
For example:
String[] data = yourList.toArray(new String[yourList.size()];
connection.createArrayOf(typeName, data);
Where typeName is:
the SQL name of the type the elements of the array map to. The typeName is a database-specific name which may be the name of a built-in type, a user-defined type or a standard SQL type supported by this database. This is the value returned by Array.getBaseTypeName
As noted in the comments, this is Java 1.6. For older versions you can't create this in a driver-independent way. You are only supposed to get arrays, not create them. If you want to, you can instantiate the implementing class from your jdbc driver, but this is non-portable.
Thanks Bozho for the quick response. Basically, I am in the process of calling a Postgres Stored Procedure from Java 1.6 code.
The calling code is as follows
List selGr; CallableStatement proc = conn.prepareCall("{call sp_get_survivors_los(?,?,?)}"); proc.setDate(1, fDate); proc.setDate(2, tDate); java.sql.Array arr = conn.createArrayOf("VARIADIC character varying[]", selGr.toArray()); proc.setObject(3, arr); proc.registerOutParameter(1, Types.OTHER); proc.execute();
following is the SP
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_get_xxx(IN startdatetime timestamp without time zone, IN enddatetime timestamp without time zone, VARIADIC selectcriteria character varying[]) RETURNS refcursor AS
When I execute the Java code, I am getting the following exception. org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: Unable to find server array type for provided name VARIADIC character varying[]. at org.postgresql.jdbc4.AbstractJdbc4Connection.createArrayOf( at org.postgresql.jdbc4.Jdbc4Connection.createArrayOf(
Any thoughts on this?
The type argument to createArrayOf is the element type, not the array type, so you probably want something like "varchar" or "text". VARIADIC is a function argument modifier, not a type specifier.